August 11, 2013

Just when you thought the AEC armoured car was indomitable on the modelling bench MiniArt brings out an archer to best it..

Miniart  has just released the third part in it’s new and intricate AEC armoured car kits – this time with a plethora of guns on the top of the turret – but to combat this kit for your modelling time they have brought out a very nice looking archer

In Progress from MiniArt..

BOX: 345x240x80 mm
Model details:
·     Highly detailed model
·    580 plastic parts
·    All New Tooling. Up-to-date technology using sliding moulds.
·    Fully detailed interior

·    Slide-moulded tire made by 1 detail in plastic

Large tyres in injection moulded plastic and clear viewing ports

·    52 PE parts

· Decals are included

Kit includes 1 crew member
other features of note:
 Full-colour instructions
·    Highly detailed engine compartment
·    Engine is accurately represented
·    Fighting compartment is truly reproduced
·    Crews vision periscopes with clear plastic parts
·    Driving compartment interior is fully detailed and correctly done
·    All doors and hatches can be assembled open or closed
Nicely detailed underside with full engine
Twin Lewis guns on top of the turret
BOX: 290x190x55 mm
Scale 1/16th
Kit no 16027
Historical Figures Series
This archer is part of MiniArt’s burgeoning 1/16th scale figure series that keeps getting better all the time – This figures is seen in the mock up/ sculpt phase right now I n these pictures – but if the kit comes out anything like this then we are all in for a treat!

More on this and the rest of MiniArt’s kits as they come to light…