August 13, 2013

The drinks are on MENG as they roll out their completed T-90 MBT

We thought we would take a departure from Soviet tanks this week – with all of the new Russian heavy tank kits we thought you need a break – a breather - so have a bottle of beer (or water if you are driving) on model makers MENG – ohh and have a look at their built up Russian MBT the 35th scale T-90 while you are at it…
New Products this month from MENG

This 1/35 scale drink bottles model kit contains 16 bottles including 3 types of mineral water bottles and 1 type of carbonated beverage bottle. With high transparency and lifelike looking, this quality model kit can be put onto vehicles like modern tanks and military armoured vehicles or applied to figure models and dioramas to highly increase details and reality. It’s the best choice for adding highlights to your models.

This 1/35 scale water bottle model kit contains 12 bottles including one type of small water bottle and one type of big bottle. These realistic bottles are made of high-quality light blue transparent plastic. They can be put onto vehicles like modern tanks and military armoured vehicles and can also be applied to figure models and dioramas to highly improve details and reality. It’s the best choice for adding highlights to your models.

This 1/35 scale beer bottle model kit contains 16 bottles including 4 types of beer bottles. These realistic bottles are made of high-quality light green transparent plastic. They can be put onto vehicles like modern tanks and military armoured vehicles and can also be applied to figure models and dioramas to highly improve details and reality. It’s the best choice for making your models more interesting.

The Russian T-90A MBT, a successor to T-90 MBT, is one of the most advanced main battle tanks in the world to date. The tank consists of a 125mm 2A46M-5 smoothbore gun, a pair of auxiliary machine guns and also Russia’s Shtora-1 (“curtain” in English) combined electro-optical countermeasures suite to protect the tank against laser guided weapons. T-90As entered service in 2005, replacing the aging T-72s and T-80s and forming the backbone of Russian ground forces.

This 1/35 scale plastic kit of T-90A MBT features rotatable commander’s cupola, movable torsion bar suspension and perfectly represented V-92S engine. All hatches can be built in either open or closed position. Cement-free workable double-pin tracks reproduce the real structure. Three painting schemes are provided. Overall length: 291mm; width: 109mm.

This Contemporary MBT Which Has The Most Complex Look Is Realistically Modelled With Beautiful Russian Style.
Upper Glacis Is Accurately Reproduced And Its Weld Seams And Bolts Are Represented As Per The Real Things.
The PE Engine Radiation Grill Is Fine And Suitable.
The Turret Formed By Various Equipment Offers Eye-Attracting Mechanical Beauty.
The AA Gun Subassembly Is Precisely Restored; The Mantlet Cover Looks Realistic.
The Most Shining IR Lights Of T-90A Are Manufactured With Precision Technology And They Have Precise Shape And Realistic Linkages.
The Engine Deck Can Be Modelled in Open or Closed Position, Fully Satisfying Modellers’ curiosity About the Engine.
Running Gear Is Designed As Per Real Structure And Can Realize Shock Absorption. The Running Gear And The Precise Workable Tracks Offer Best Modelling Result.
This Kit Consists Of A Precision Engine Subassembly As Well As Two Different Crew Helmets.
Breakdown Of Tracks Follows The Real Construction; Track Pins Made Of TPE Make The Tracks Be Highly Reliable And Workable; Carefully-Designed Tool Simplifies The Track Assembly Process. 
The Painting Mask Will Ease Modeller’s Workload of Painting Road Wheels.
This Kit Consists Of Green, Black and Clear Sprues, Realistic TPE Mantlet Cover and Crew Helmets As Well As Detailed PE Fret and Quality Decal.

These kits are all now available thru MENG's Distributors worldwide