August 10, 2013

Valiant Wings are teaming up with Zoukie Mura to take horsepower to the next level..

If you have been lucky enough to get ZM’s new large scale P-51 Mustang and just don’t know where to start we have just the book for you – a title devoted to making this exact kit by an excellent model maker and published by Valliant Wings ( including profiles, walk-arounds, tips and techniques – due to hit the shelves next month..

Valliant Wings September 2013 coming release

Here's the cover for our next book 'Building The North American P-51D Mustang', the first in our brand new Airframe Constructor series., due out in September.
If you are a large scale plane builder, particularly if you have the Zoukei Mura kit still in its box, this will be an ideal workbench companion. Equally if you are a Mustang nut building in any scale, you'll love it too.

Author is Daniel Zamarbide whose work normally graces the pages of Model Airplane International most months. Dani is a real master of his craft yet has the ability to demystify the most complex of builds. Dani will take you through building the Zoukei Mura kit from start to finish. This will be as much of a masterclass in print as well as a specific step by step book on constructing one particular type.

P-51 from ZM - Think this looks good? wait till you see Daniel's work in this book

There is also several pages of Mustang profiles from Richard Caruana, a complete 1/32 scale decal listing, walkaround pictures plus techniques on how to achieve effective natural metal finish. This is all contained in 68 pages and retails at £11.95.

Pre-order before September 1st and you get a chance to win a your very own Zoukei Mura Mustang kit, plus extra aftermarket parts and you get 50% off shipping.

You will be able to order directly off their website from next week once they have it live. If you are going to the IPMS Avon show on Sunday you'll be able to preorder it there.
Valliant Wings will soon be announcing their sixth Airframe & Miniature title, due out in time for Scale Modelworld 2013 (November) . Keep looking in here or on their website