Saturday, September 14

Erik Mombeeck's latest Luftwaffe Opus is here and we have some good preview info for you today..

Erik Mombeeck has just released his latest Luftwaffe pictorial book with many not before seen pictures and items of interest – One for Luftwaffe fans as well as aviation and history guys - This one is called Luftwaffe Gallery #4 – or Lu/Ga 4

Erik Mombeeck’s
latest pictorial book is fifty six pages of beautiful period photographs and lavish illustrations representing the art and artefacts of the Luftwaffe of the Second World War. These books are full of personal accounts from the people that were there in the action and the history is researched thoroughly by one of the best in his field.


Contents of Luftwaffe Gallery volume 4:

1) Emblem gallery: Luftwaffe aircraft eagle emblems
2) Camouflage gallery: paint schemes of iii./jg 3, spring 1942
3) Equipment gallery: metal pennants
4) colour gallery: the Ju-87
5) Equipment gallery: pilot victory sticks part 2
6) Markings gallery: the tail band colours of iii./jg 6 (by kees mol)
Reader's corner is there every month for feedback and extra insights in to the time period – sometimes unknown material is unearthed here.

Lu/Ga4 is now available from Erik’s site – along with all of his other great books - right now – I would get in there quickly if I were you…