Scale 75 has three new products on sale this month – something for the military figure fans – something for people who need green paint for said military figures and something for people who just like a good figure in general…

Scale 75 September 2013 items
Price Kit: 39.67 € + IVA
Painted Figure: 215 € + IVA
Product: SCW-007
The Seaforth Highlanders (Ross–shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) was a historic regiment of the British Army associated with large areas of the northern Highlands of Scotland. The Seaforth Highlanders have varied in size from two battalions to seventeen battalions during the Great War. After several mergers, the Seaforth Highlanders are now incorporated in the Highlanders (Seaforth, Gordons and Camerons) Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland.
Price Kit: 61.68 € + IVA
Painted Figure: 350 € + IVA
Product: SSP-003
What can I say about this steampunk babe? Her taste in men that are robotic is just shameful. His tinny voice must drive her nuts – lucky she has the tools to fix his nuts back in place…
Price kit: 20.66 € + IVA
Availability: In Stock
Product: SSE-006
All the verde shades you might need in an odourless acrylic paint set..
These are all available now Thru Scale 75’s Distributors..
SCALE75: August 2013 Releases
75mm figure
Sculpted by Angel Terol
Painted by Elias
Kit No: SCM-008
This soldier is one of the Samurai that fought for Oda Nobunaga
- who was the initiator of the unification of Japan under the shogunate in the
late 16th century, - he has blood red armour which was painted by Elias Alonso
in with a fine hand.
Sculpted of course in 75mm by the talented Angel Terol this
warrior this warrior carried his master’s
tall pennant on his back as he rushes into mortal combat. He is wearing full
traditional layered armour and is in process of unleashing his sharp sword on
the enemy..
Don’t have any paint to complete him? Well Scale 75 has just
released an accompanying set of shades called “Blood
and Fire”
This set of water soluble shades come in eight colours which
give you at least the start to a full spectrum of colours the run the gamut of
these warm shades you will need to create the battle on your workbench.
Low odour – easy to clean and spray they look pretty good to
us! They retail for € 20.66
SCALE75’s August New Releases are now available on their website.
Scale 75’s June 2013 Releases

Product: SFF-003
Escultura: Alfonso
Pintura: Elias Alonso
Price Kit: 41.32 € +
IVAPainted Figure: 190 € + IVA

This female marine figure is part of the continuing
"Fallen Frontiers" series, he armour covers )most) of her body and I am
sure many of us will wonder long before working out what colour to paint her.
She looks plenty tough though, with a blaster or two and lean physique enough
to be just more than eye candy.

Product: SCN-004
Escultura: Angel
Pintura: Roberto
Price Kit: 47 € + IVA
Painted Figure: 215 €

John H. Watson, known as Dr. Watson, is a character in the
Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Watson is Sherlock Holmes's
friend, assistant and sometime flatmate, and he is the first person narrator of
all but four stories in the Sherlock Holmes canon.

Product: SSE-004
Price Kit: 18.18 € +
This is an acrylic paint set which is used to recreate, with
the gradual shading of colours – these two natural materials. Both leather and
wood are very changeable in their graduation of colours so these very slight
paint colour changes are just the thing to get it right in your sculpt. Eight
colours are included in this pack.

All of these are available from Scale 75’s Distributors worldwide or directly from them.
Scale 75’s May 2013 Releases
Sculpted by: Alfonso
Painted by: Elias
Alonso Ref: SFF-002
This figure looks to me like a futuristic space warrior (but
also with a knife for pros – guns for show) the odd thing about him is slightly
alien appearance. But his painted ears and cat like nose along with his pink
skin in this version make him vaguely humanoid in all but his face.
This marine from the "Fallen Frontiers" series carries a large rifle and body armour – he also
has a large mech-like hand that looks robotic or bionic – he looks ready to offer
up some Whup-ass…
Sculpted by: Joaquin
Painted by: Elias
Alonso Ref: SPS-004
The long red coat covers the otherwise near naked figure. He has canvas chap-like pants and carries a
horn around his torso – he carries either a knife or a tomahawk in his right
hand. His typical Mohawk style haircut is a feature of his face and in this
interesting painted version his eyes and face
(along with his body) are painted ready for war.
Title: “Ares
Condominium - Operator 79”
Sculpted by: JOAQUIN
Painted by: ELIAS
This is maybe an alternative to the earlier warrior in this month’s
releases – this time the future soldier is human and wearing a fetching yellow
power assisted armour. He certainly looks the part, with his crew-cut and
strong lantern jaw.
The armour is a hard shell with under-padded torso and “utility
belt” with lots of different packs and modules on it. As well as his large
rifle he also carries a pistol on his hip to deal with smaller fry!
Price Kit: 18.18 € + IVA
Availability: In Stock
Product: SSE-003
Eight paints in this set make up pretty much every shade of
flesh in most of the figures you will make and paint. (Unless you want to paint
a mer-man) Anyway the colours are a matte finish to save on another coat and
come ready to use in an airbrush straight out of the bottle. There is also a
step by step process included in the pack.
All of these will be
available this month from Scale 75’s Distributors worldwide
or directly from them.

Scale 75’s April 2103
Painter: Samuel Perez
Ref: S35-002
These two German paratroopers mourn the death of their comrade
after the disaster that was the aerial landings at Crete in WWII
Both soldiers are seen in early war long sleeve gear and in
these sculpts look pretty solemn indeed.
Painter: Elias Alonso
Ref: SFP-002
Kitty looks like a lady of mystery doesn’t she? Wrapped in
the clothes of a late Victorian ages she has all the extra machinery help she
needs – right down to the mechanical arm part and the “futuristic” gun – or being
steam punk is it a water pistol???
Anyway she is sure to have her fans with modellers pouting
over every detail soon enough…
This new Gold Copper Bronze paint set looks to compliment
Scale 75’s earlier metal set and help your painting especially of steampunk
figures – to no end. They come in Vallejo style bottles and this will be a
popular choice for figure painters who like this delivery method.
All of these will be
available this month from Scale 75’s Distributors worldwide or
directly from them.
Scale 75’s January 2103
Sculptor: Joaquin
Painters: Elias
Alonso / Roberto Sanchez
Ref: SCM-006
Price of the
unpainted Kit: 41.32 € + IVA
This figure is of a medieval knight storming something or
other! (funny there aren’t many sculpts of brave knights eating a sandwich are
there?) anyway this knight is sculpted by Joaquin Palacios and he looks truly dramatic as he holds his shield
aloft to cover his path as he dashes forward – perhaps to charge the gateway of
a castle? Who knows.
There is a choice of heads on this figure, one which looks
decidedly like he is on crusades with the mid-eastern wrapping over his head –
whilst the other sees our intrepid hero wearing a warmer hood – maybe in Europe’s
colder climes?

The figure comes plain in the box or painted – as you can
see here in this example painted by Elias Alonso and Roberto Sanchez the money
looks worth it. To those who like to do-it-yourself – I am with you as well.
Sculptor: Joaquin
Painter: Elias Alonso
Ref: SSP-001
Price of the
unpainted Kit: 41.32 € + IVA
Painted Figure: 190 € + IVA
Painted Figure: 190 € + IVA
Well I hope “Sam” is a woman! Because she would have people
talking otherwise! Sam looks just the woman to fix it – with her very large
wrench and tool belt full of handy gear – hang on I think my washing machine
just busted!
This reminds us of the Best in Show figure at Telford model
show this year. That type of steam punk sci-fi look may be catching on. I don't see many modellers with an objection to
this kit!
Again you can get this kit unpainted or painted up to a
quality you see in these photos. Elias Alonso painted this example – but I think
many people out there would spend a great deal longer on the details of this
kit than normal!