October 02, 2013

Alpine Miniatures and Panzermeyer – surely a good combination? Along with their other 6 October releases - The answer is yes!

Just when you thought it was all quiet on the western front Alpine Miniatures comes up with two excellent new figures and they stick their heads over the parapet with several extra faces for your diorama…

Alpine Miniatures 7(!) new items for October 2013.

To match last month’s very popular set of the SS commander Wünsche in Normandy Alpine miniatures brings us his companion at arms and arguably one of the best known SS soldiers of WWII Kurt “Panzermeyer” and an SS companion in 35th scale – along with a plethora of head choices in both 35th and 1/16th scales.
At the table with Wunsche

In a fateful campaign for “Panzermeyer” the Normandy battle against the Canadian and allied forces further enforced his reputation as a commander as well as damning him as a war criminal for the actions of the troops of the Hitlerjugend that he commanded at the time.
Here he  is on the right side of the picture.
Here he is in the Middle

The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Taesung Harmms / Boxart Painted by Dr. Jin Kim

With this sculpt Taesung returns to what most modellers out there seem to want. A historical “Hero” figure of the Waffen SS Kurt Meyer. The likeness of the man is shown with two different head choices shown here.
You can see the features of his almost pursed lips, strong chin and large ears. Taesung has gotten him pretty well with this sculpt.
The figure is painted on the box art by the very talented Dr. Jin Kim, you can see his arm patch showing his rank of SS-Standartenführer or SS-Regiment leader clearly in the sculpt and highlighted against the oak leaf pattern on his M43 tunic. His small field glasses are covered with cloth which has a camo pattern.

The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpted by Taesung Harmms / Boxart Painted by Dr. Jin Kim

The figure of this officer represents a the rank of an SS-Obersturmführer
(SS-Senior assault leader) on his shoulder of his camouflaged M44 tunic. Like his commanding officer he carries some field glasses but these are the larger high powered 10 x 50 type.

This officer is an interesting alternative for the reason that he isn’t a named soldier. So if you want to get him separate from his commander that he is a good acquisition.  In fact I think that many will buy him BECAUSE he is “just another soldier”

35165 Kurt Meyer & Officer Set (1/35)
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms / Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim
This looks like a mega set – if you put him with the previous Wünsche in Normandy set this would be a collector’s item! These two relate quite naturally with each other in body language and with the way they are both seemingly looking into the distance. A great combo. Here they are in progress on the workbench whilst being sculpted - from the hands that created them Taesung himself....

1/35th & 1/16th head sets…
These next sets give you five heads from Alpine’s earlier releases to replace the kit head you are working on – these can completely transform a figure into something so much more or even be used with a figure you are scratcbuilding yourself.

H011 WSS Heads #3This set includes 5 in 1/35 scale.

H012 WSS Heads #4This set includes 5 in 1/35 scale.

H6005 WW2 Allied Heads #1
This set includes 4 heads in 1/16 Scale.

H6006 WW2 Allied Heads #2
This set includes 4 heads in 1/16 Scale.

All four of these figure sets are available now thru Alpine Miniature’s distributors..