October 29, 2013

October - Is it time to "Add On" some more diorama parts to your shopping list?

Add On Parts has some great little diorama bases, walls and scenery for you to fill your scenes with this month. We bet you need at least one of these!

Add on parts newest releases for October

In 1:35th scale this set is numbered 35-0065 and contains 4 of the smaller or “Klein” Panzerfausts and 7 resin crates that house them and their ammo. Nice for a diorama or several dioramas…
1:35 35-0075
A pair of length of resin railway tracks with a length of 29,4 cm that is true to scale in every detail, great for placing inside your diorama at a crossing or indeed placing a railway car on top of! The box contains 4 unpainted resin tracks + 4 resin connecting pieces
Ideal for your 1:35th scale workshop this set contains 3 resin parts that would be perfect to add to your oxy acetataline working area – welding or cutting these are a great addition.

These larger 1:35th scale Oxy bottles again contain 3 resin parts and again will be great for your workshop diorama.  These will add variation in size to your scene and we all know that is the spice of life.


This large  Factory 1:35th scale  frontal section contains 5 ceramic and 1 resin part and it makes up one full side of a little French alleyway. The set features beaten and chipped walls with exposed brick detail under the plaster as well as the three wall sections with a double garage door and smaller door in the centre as well.

And au naturel...


Got lots of stuff but don’t know where to put it? Unfortunately these boxes are only 1:35th scale and are moulded shut out of resin so they cannot help. They will though be great for a section of your diorama/s that needs some small scale storage. -  Contains 7 resin-cast cases

Airfield Base, French engineered 1:72 
1:72 72-0012 

Contains 1 ceramic part (airplane not included)
Airfield Base as constructed by the French Army.
Airfield Base, German engineered 1:72 
Contains 1 ceramic part (airplane not included)
Airfield Base as constructed by the German Army, and can be situated in all German occupied countries.
Smaller scale dioramas get some love as well with this nicely made ornate concrete and steel gate section – actually it isn’t concrete its made up of 5 ceramic and 1 resin part and it measures 7 x 4 x 5 cm

For any more info onto grab your own visit www.addonparts.com