November 09, 2013

Preview: Life Miniature's Kharkov 1943 - It's finished and we are amazed...

Sang Eon Lee has sent pictures of his latest master work in process – he is now finished painting the new Life Miniatures bust, the 1/10th scale German Machine gunner assistant in Kharkov in 1943.

Life Miniatures 2013 November release

MG42 Tripod Carrier, Division Totenkopf, Kharkov 1943
Sculpted by Sang-Eon Lee
(MG42 Tripod) by Sang-Won Lee
Bust includes 23 Parts
In his latest and most technically complex kit so far Sang Eon Lee has captured a German machine gunner in the battle of Kharkov in 1943 carrying the base of the MG42 called the “Lafette 42 (MG42 Tripod)”
He also carries a bunch of rounds around his neck, some field glasses and a superbly sculpted KAR 98 rifle made with Magic sculpt and Plastruct round rod. This is an extension to the front part of Kar98k that Ju Won Jung had built for Life Miniatures LM-B006 'German 6th Army Stalingrad' bust.
M40 fur-lined pullover parka is often called the “Kharkov Parka” by the troops and was manufactured from 1940-1943 and issued until the end of the war. It became synonymous with that battle as many soldiers were lucky enough to be able to be issued one in time for that winter. the parka was very commonly worn by the soldier of the Elite units due to the very high cost in material and time, the parka were never enough to go around in history, and various types of the fur lining were used on this garment. 

The shell of our parka is made of heavy zeltbahn style cotton poplin in the typical field-grey shade and lined with genuine sheepskin. The sleeves were padded with woollen material and the hood lined with the sheepskin as well.

Several pictures of elite soldiers from that time were used in the making of this bust – here are some and some others I have found which could help the modeller with their own kit…
And here is Sang Eon’s version during the painting process..
And now he is finished - amazing work - i hope you all have been practicing!
This figure is now available from Life Miniature’s distributors at the end of the month. Life Miniatures has a new Facebook page as well – with “friending” if ever any page was!