November 01, 2013

Preview: Master details 1/32 US Navy/ Marine Aviator Mid/ Late WWII

Corsair in need of a captain? Hellcat needs a helmsman? Avenger needs an autopilot... well you get the pictures -  Master Details has a new pilot to steer your “ship” in 32nd scale and we have the preview for ye...
Master details of the USA has a new pilot to add to their other wonderful figures in 32nd scale. We reviewed some of their pilots in this series and they are amongst the best in the scale and now for the people who bought the Tamiya corsair – or the 32nd scale Hellcat, Avenger, dauntless or any other Navy fighter of WWII there is a pilot to match your kite…
This kit is made from seven resin parts with a choice of four different head combinations You get the pilot’s head with:

Goggles on fore head

Goggles on eyes
Goggles on eyes and chin strap
Goggles on eyes no chin strap

You get a fifth option in a ways – as the chinstrap is provided as a loose part that hangs down off the side of his flying helmet – just like their other releases, and this is why I think they are great sets – the variety alone before you even look at the quality of the sculpt which is great
You also get a choice of four arms – two with long sleeves and two with the sleeves rolled up quite high – so both hot and cooler climates are good for this figure

Of course a painting guide is supplied to help you get your shades just right.
So there you have it – this figure is available any day now from the Master Details Website.