December 25, 2013

....As a present Gary gifts us a early gallery of his completed 1/48th scale Mig- 25 from Kittyhawk - Happy Christmas Comrades!

Gary Wickham has finished his excellent rendition of the red star’s most fearsome ever interceptor – the 1/48th scale MiG–25 “Foxbat” from Kittyhawk models. We thought as an early present we would show you how it looked before we give you the final part of the build…

Mikoyan MiG-25PD Foxbat E
Kittyhawk KH80119

Scale: 1/48
Started: Oct 2013 Finished December 2012
Available from: KittyHawk distributors Worldwide.

Pt I of the build… Pt II to follow in a day or so, But first he completed kit in a lovely gallery...

This is the KittyHawk 1/48 MiG-25PD/PDS (kit KH80119). The model is built mainly from the box with the only aftermarket addition being a Neomega resin cockpit and seat (originally designed for the Revell kit). The exhaust nozzle required some scratchbuilt modifications to accurately represent the shorter nozzle used on the PD/PDS Interceptor variant. The base depicting 1950/1960 era Soviet hexagonal concrete sections are provided by as a printable PDF file. The pilot figure is from Aero Line. The model was finished primarily with Gunze Mr Colour paints and Alclad II metalisers.

The finished item…

And in smaller detail...
Gary will have the finale in part II of the build coming up in a day or two - so if you want to know how to get your kit looking like this -  stay tuned..

Gary Wickham
Thanks to KittyHawk for sending us this kit to build

See more of Gary's work on