December 01, 2013

Royal Model’s November releases leave some of us with our feet up while others just want to ring our boyfriends!

A roll for your barrel, sassy lassie from Israel, a sleepy German, new stacks and some bridge building are on the agenda from Royal Models in 35th scale this month…

Royal Model November Releases..

Code : 691
List Price: € 22.00
This short bridge would do well in a town diorama with some narrow streets. The paved road goes over a tight narrow channel while the brickwork is nicely three dimensional.

Code : 676
List Price: € 12.00
This German soldier is seen here in the throes of relaxation. Seen sitting back in the sidecar of his motorcycle his hand is resting on the MG-34 machine gun armament whilst his other hand rests on the mudguard with a cigarette in his hand.

He is sculpted out of four parts of resin, two arms as we have mentioned and the torso which is reclined and kicking back with an open cigarette tin on his right leg and details like his hob-nailed boots, his dog tags hanging from his neck out of his tunic and the nice details in the folds of his clothing and uniform patches that make this soldier look so good.

You can see what he looks like all painted up – a very nice alternative to the several winter motorcycle riders we have seen recently.

Code : 702
List Price: € 16.00
For sale  - Marder II (Sd. Kfz. 131) nicknamed "Kohlenklau" (Coal thief) – in good condition – Only one previous owner, Good condition thanks to the barrel cover and hull tarpaulin that fits perfectly any other Marder II model from Royal model.

Quick sale before business is taken over by Russian firm….

Code : 693
 (1/35-1/32 scale)
List Price: € 18.00
Here’s a smoky… Two chimneys offered by Royal Model these are designed to be used with your favourite 1/32nd scale building – they are of two different brick and chimney styles. Xmas coming up you had better have your chimney out!

Code : 695
List Price: € 12.00
Well look who’s popular? I would have thought she only had eyes for her maker but is seems she is “on the market “now as well.
Sculpted in four parts this young female soldier in the IDF is seen talking/texting on her old fashioned clam-shell phone. She is an interesting figure no doubt seeing all of these new IDF vehicles on the market.
All of these kits are now available through Royal Models directly