In what looks like one of MiniArt’s most complete and detailed
diorama setting yet they take us to the Middle east with this set. I wonder who
is through the keyhole….

BOX: 380x280x80 mm
Kit contains 255 parts.jpg&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image%2F*)
In 255 pieces this
set includes nearly everything you could need to make your desert diorama. The
kit nicely masks all sides of the action as well – and there are plenty of
internal spaces looking out into the courtyard in this dio. Another good
feature is that it look high so it will be most impressive on the modelling
competition tables our your own display table at home – these are the parts
and here it is all made up – There is a smaller dio here from one of their previous
sets – they have added to it to make it all the better with new parts – this should
be a good seller for MiniArt and a good kit to make.