February 15, 2014

D-Day Miniature Studio's subjects of this month's new releases are "Tommies" and "Fritz"

D-Day Miniature Studio has been sending regular updates of a steadily improving and increasing range of figures – this month they have two new “Tommies” in 35th as a set and singularly as well as some tiny Germans that have lost no detail due t their diminutive 72nd scale. Let’s take a look shall we?

D-Day Miniature Studio news for February 2014

35013 - British/Commonwealth Infantryman walking 1942-1945
1/35th Scale
Grey resin
Sculpted by Pawel Krasicki
Boxart by Pawel Krasicki
The first of the pair of these British soldiers from WWII. He is seen in the standard “Tommy” helmet walking at what looks like a medium pace by his body language. He carries, draped off his right shoulder his Lee Enfield .303 draped off at an unusual angle that enables him to rest his right arm on the gun. Not a usual pose so very interesting.
He is seen in full late war – and we would think winter or cold weather gear as he has a scarf and a beany underneath his tin hat. This sculpt of resin was created and painted up here by Pawel Krasicki. You can see as well as his forage packs on his chest he carries an entrenching tool and a water flask as well. All off his webbing or belt.

35014 - British/Commonwealth Infantryman walking 1942-1945
1/35th Scale
Grey resin
Sculpted by Pawel Krasicki
Boxart by Pawel Krasicki
This second figure in the set is seen walking in much the same way as his “mate” the other man in this set. He is wearing a warm jerkin made from leather (like a large vest) as he walks along cradling his bren gun – it reminds me of the stance of this soldier in this shot

Private  DB MacDonald-Royal Canadian Regiment-Oct 1943 Campobasso Italy-holding Bren gun
Like his pal he has a full webbing with entrenching tool, water bottle and ammo pouches either side of this belt. He is looking to the other direction of his buddy so it’s quite feasible they are checking for sign of the enemy or just talking in the surroundings.

35015 - British/Commonwealth Infantry walking 1942-1945
1/35th Scale
Two figure set in Grey resin
Sculpted by Pawel Krasicki
Boxart by Pawel Krasicki
This picture reminds me of these soldiers in this scene – of  WW2 British Soldiers of 5th Battalion-Coldstream Guards- French town of Arras- early September 1944
They are sold separately of course as well, but together they look quite matched in body language as well as pace of walking by how far apart their legs are open when walking. They are matched in clothing as well – different but both in warm clothing to fight off the post invasion winter.

72003 - Waffen SS Officers, Winter 1943-45
1/72nd Scale
Three figures in Grey resin
Sculpted by Pawel Krasicki
Boxart by Pawel Krasicki
These three figures of officers of the SS are pretty well sculpted for such a small scale. They are sold three figures in one set and depict three very cold men kept warm by a lot of fur lined and thick winter clothing.
All dressed quite differently, in improvised winter coats or fur lined overalls they are sculpted and painted in this instance by Pawel Krasicki
For more info on these and their other kits please visit www.ddayminiaturestudio.com