March 12, 2014

There are still some good news stories coming from the Ukraine – Masterbox’s new figures for March

Masterbox have added a new category of  1/32nd figures from the French revolution as well as two new 1/72nd WWI tanks and the ol’ favourite WWII Soviets and Germans in 1/35th scale – all in today’s preview..

Masterbox new products for March 2014

1/32 "Napoleon's Red Lancer" Napoleonic War Series - 2 Figures Set plus a Horse
"Napoleon's Red Lancer, Napoleonic Wars Series" – The scale of the kit is 1/32. This kit opens a new line in the production of MB figures and it is our first kit in 1/32 scale referring to “Military Historical Miniatures” and it refers to the Napoleonic Wars era.

The kit consists of:
- 2 figures
- One figure is a horseman, it is a Holland Lancer from Napoleon’s Guard
- Second figure is a young woman – cantiniere.
Both figures are combined by a story: a Horse Lancer stopped for a few minutes at the routier to water a horse and to refresh himself by with glass of wine, and a young cantiniere who gave him a glass is looking on and waiting until the man quenches his thirst.
This is the first kit in a series of figures devoted to Napoleon’s era and there are 2 more kits of the same series planned to be released in 2014.

“Accident. Soviet & German military men, summer 1941”
The kit consists of:
- 3 figures of Soviet soldiers
- 2 figures of German soldiers
The story takes place in summer 1941, 2 military men of the Wehrmacht encountered the group of Soviet soldiers. The vehicle of German military men was damaged. Seeing Soviet soldiers who drawing closer, a driver puts his hands up, but an officer intends to fight, so the end of the story is not clear.
The first feature of the kit is that Soviet soldiers are equipped with pre-war accoutrements that disappeared very quickly in the first months of the war and then they were almost never used again. The second special appeal of the kit is that the kit is not tied to a specific vehicle and the modeller could choose the model vehicle of his choice. The third feature of the kit is that the figure of the German officer is completed with additional parts that allow for multi pose assembly.

The figures of the kit are animated well and they interact with each other well.

"MK I "Male" British Tank, Special Modification for the Gaza Strip"
ITEM NO: MAS 72003
SCALE: 1:72
The kit continues the series of kits of the WW I era and it represents a special modification of "MK I "Male" British Tank that was adopted for the action in Northern Africa against Turkish forces. Although the model repeats the construction of 72001, the model differs in construction outwardly very much and both models put side by side look like 2 absolutely different models.
- The kit includes decals. The photo-etched parts are not included.
- On this kit the machine gun turrets rotate and barrels of the machine guns move up and down.

"MK I "Female" British Tank, Special Modification for the Gaza Strip"
ITEM NO: MAS 72004
SCALE: 1:72
The kit continues the series of kits of the WW I era and it represents a special modification of the "MK I "Female" British Tank that was adopted for action in Northern Africa against Turkish forces. Although the model repeats some construction of 72002, the model differs in construction outwardly very much and, put side by side, look like 2 absolutely different models. 
The kit includes decals. Photo-etched parts are not included.
On this kit the machine gun turrets rotate and barrels of the machine guns move up and down.

These and many more kits like it are to be seen on Masterbox’s website along with a list of their distributors..