New kit from…..??
F-84F & RF-84E
F-84F & RF-84E
Injection moulded
P/E and some very
lovely decals promised as well..
So there you have it – apparently this year is planned a
very detailed and well researched F-84F Thunderstreak & and
maybe even an RF-84E Thunderflash photo reconnaissance version.
Several Large scale experts in the field are working on a
hush-hush (not anymore) Thunderstreak & Thunderflash project with full weapons and an extensive
decal sheet for some time later in the year. We have heard of the quality of people
mentioned in the research and implementation of the kit that it seems they have
got the “Dream Team” together for this one – hopefully it transpires into a
great kit.
We will let you know more when we are sure of the details –
and no doubt there will be a few hands up to (have) to build it for you when it arrives. Ohh the
sacrifices us modellers face now-days!!