May 17, 2014

HK Models Do 335 - Seems the Arrow is now a B-2 is now up-gunned and up armoured...

More on the imminent horizon from HK Models, we have already posted pictures of the test shot of the new 1/32nd scale Dornier Do 335 Pfeil ("Arrow"). but now we have added pictures of the (correct) CAD shots for the now mooted B-2 Destroyer version of the kit that is first up from HK as well as some real life comparisons...
After finishing the delivery and shipment of the very successful Meteor IV in 32nd scale, HK are busy developing new models for the rest of 2014. Three brand new kits are slated for arrival this year - the next year. The much loved (especially in the UK) 1/32 Lancaster, a B-17F and this monster - the Dornier Do 335. HK have released some pictures of the Test shot and she looks pretty good so far with heaps of internal detail.

Dornier Do-335 B-2 (expected Mid-2014 release)
Kit Number: 01E07
Scale: 1:32
Wingspan: about 431mm
Length: about 443mm

The planned B-2 (Destroyer) with heavy wing mounted cannon was formed by two prototypes M13 (W-Nr. 230013) and M14 (W-Nr. 230014). These machines possessed packed two MK 103 automatic cannon in the wings, two 300 litre (80 US gal) auxiliary fuel tanks and a new and reinforced windscreen of the cockpit hood.

The Dornier Do 335 was a fighter aircraft of the German Luftwaffe during World War II. Developed by Dornier aircraft had unusually, each a front engine and rear. The aircraft was the fastest piston engine-driven aircraft in the world at the time of its first flight in 1943. The Dornier 335 took no more active part in the hostilities in World War II in part. By the end of the war, only 28 units of the pre-series (A-0) and 11 of the first production aircraft (A-1) were completed. 50 more machines were already in an advanced stage of construction.
Two marking choices seem to be:
M13 (W-Nr. 230013 - ID RP + UP) - Optional Destroyer wing surface to 41m ²
M14 (W-Nr. 230014 - ID RP + UQ) - was captured by the French and repainted to a khaki color. 

Which were the only two made - these can I'm sure be made up in the captors colours...

The internals here are all laid out - the front and rear DB603L engines, internal fuel tank, cockpit and prop.
You can see from above the wing securing devices - hopefully there are some easy removal wings on these for people who like to get "out and about" with their kits.
 A close up of the DB603L engine on it's mount - the engine cowl and prop/spinner (front hehe)
 The rear engine without the prop - all of this is encased in the aircraft fuselage but the engine cover is removable on the kit
The ejector seat and instrument panel that looks plenty detailed for most modellers - hopefully there are some instrument decals!!
Now with all the skin on - the nose gun and engine covers are seen here all open - some wire and deft painting will do a lot for this kit.
The front-on view of the arrow/anteater shows you how it got its name - the long nose
The test shots show the very nice surface detail of some kits like the Meteor continuing on here..
The Do 335 was with her unusual drive a top speed of 730 - reach 770 km / h (depending on version). Another special feature of the aircraft was the ejection seat. The aircraft was officially called the "Arrow" because of its long nose and long-legged chassis design. 

a hint of the (albeit all closed up) cockpit detail makes us hope for good things..
Poseable tail and wing surfaces are the norm nowdays and this model sports them - you can see an open engine panel as well there in the fuselage
 The long but large tricycle landing gear makes us think of nose-weight! and hopefully some metal landing gear with the large size and weight this kit will no-doubt have
 With a fuel tank in the bomb bay ans a fairly detailed undercarriage the prospect of a fast and easy or detailed build are there
These are the earlier CAD shots that are not the final incarnation - the model has changed to the to the B-2 version you see in these CAD shots and the test kit above
We are hoping to have the kit to build soon enough - we will post something up as soon as it arrives - Until then keep tuning in..