May 25, 2014

I need to clear the workbench... Quick - load me up with new "Ammo"

New “Ammo” from Mig Jimenez to stock up your work bench with new items from his ever widening range. We have some burnishing fluid, some new paint sets and even something to keep your desk a little tidier to show you in today’s preview..

New "Ammo" items for May 2014

No: A.MIG-8001
The easiest way to organize paints and brushes in your workbench for the specific requirements of each project. Workbench Organizer includes 12 holes for brushes, 21 spaces for 17 mL acrylic jars (25 mm width) and 17 holes for 35 and 60 mL jars (35 mm width).
Dimensions: 14.5 cm (depth) x 9.5 cm (tall) x 40 cm (high) Easy to assembled in just few second. Lacqued in white. Price: 13.50

9,95 €
Burnishing agent for white metal tracks of any brand. In just few minutes you can blacken metallic tracks in a realistic dark rust colour. The result is also matt, durable, and permanent so it is the perfect base for later treatments with pigments or paints.

9,95 €
Burnishing agent for photo etch parts and brass barrels. Instant blackening for turned brass barrels and photo etch within about 3-5 minutes. Photo etch Burnishing Fluid also blackens tin solder used for soldering Photo-etch for a uniform effect.

6 jars 17mL
No: A.MIG-7105
13,80 €
Acrylic set for painting rubber tires and tracks for all vehicles. This set includes two rubber tones, A.MIG-032 Satin Black for new tires and rubber surfaces, and A.MIG-033 Rubber & Tires for old rubber surfaces. Use A.MIG-034 Rust Tracks and A.MIG-035 Dark Tracks to paint tracks of all kinds. This set also includes A.MIG-072 Dust and A.MIG-073 Earth to add dirt effects on the wheels and trucks. All products are acrylic and are formulated for maximum performance both with brush or airbrush with the Scale Effect Reduction, which allows us to apply the correct color on our models. Each jar includes a stainless steel agitator for quick and convenient color mixture, even and consistency.

Each jar includes a stainless steel agitator for quick and convenient colour mixture, even and consistency. Water soluble, odourless, and non-toxic, dries completely in 24 hours.

Includes colours:
A.MIG-032 Satin Black for new tires and rubber
 A.MIG-033 Rubber & Tires
 A.MIG-034 Rust Tracks
A.MIG-035 Dark Tracks
A.MIG-072 Dust
A.MIG-073 Earth

6 jars 17mL
No: A.MIG-7106
13,80 €
Specific colours for wheels and trucks, this acrylic water based paint set for rust, chipping, and all types of corrosion effects. The set includes five rusty tones with a matt finish to create a rusty surface. It also includes A.Mig-044 which is a helpful dark brown colour in a satin finish to obtain dark/rusted steel chipping effects for tanks and any other kind of steel vehicles. All products are acrylic and are formulated for maximum performance both with brush or airbrush, which allows us to apply the correct colour on our model easily.

Each jar includes a stainless steel agitator for quick and convenient colour mixture, even and consistency. Water soluble, odourless, and non-toxic, dries completely in 24 hours.

A.MIG-039       Light Rust
A.MIG-040       Medium Rust
A.MIG-041       Dark Rust
A.MIG-042       Old Rust
A.MIG-043       Shadow Rust
A.MIG-044       Chipping

All of these sets are now available from