May 24, 2014

Pegaso’s new elf comes out with the knight

 The lauded company Pegaso has brought out two new warriors we thought we would show you for their May releases – one a knight of a secret order and the other who hunts in the forest at night..

Pegaso's May 2014 Figures...

Code: FA75-003
Sculpture: Andrea Julia
Painter: Mirko Cavalloni
Material: White Metal
Pieces: 16
Scale: 1:24th/ 75mm
List price:       € 45,00
This Elven Moon Warrior is seen looking very nice (and not very well armoured) with her skin gleaming in the moonlight. I suppose you could colour her any way you wanted except for tanned!
Pegaso’s Andrea Julia has sculpted this piece in 1/24th scale (or 75mm for the purists) in sixteen parts of white metal. She is seen drawing her bow to take a shot and treading lightly on her toes as she stalks her prey…
Lucky for the strategic leaf covering her “back”

Sculptor: Richard Galiceck
Category: 09 Crusaders
Sculptor: Richard Galicek
Painter: Aleks Michelotti
Material: White Metal
Pieces: 18
Size: 75mm/ Scale:1:24th
Price:€ 37,19 

This Templar Knight from medieval times straddles his large red and white shield as he looks on to the distance. He could be used in a few scenarios or even just by himself.
The battle-scarred shield features several gouges on the front and is well weathered and faded – some very nice painting on the box art here by Aleks Michelotti on the original white metal sculpt by Richard Galicek in 75mm (1/24th scale.)
You can see he has he water bottle, two pouches and his sword scabbard hanging from his heavy leather belt (ohh and a dagger just in case) I would be very worried if I was a Saracen or one of the people who plotted against the Templars.

These two figures are now available from Pegaso Miniatures from their website.