June 06, 2014

Bronco Models newest test shots built and constructed for your perusal…

Well the tests are in  - and the results we think…..are good.

The five newest kits from Bronco Models have been made up so you can see for yourself just what they are like in the flesh. So without further ado…

Bronco Models Five new test kits..

T80E1 Workable Track Link Set
(Steel) for M26/M46
Product number: AB3565
Suddenly your perishing Pershing problems are put aside - these steel tracks look to the be just the tonic to replace your all to light and non-life like vinyl tracks. There are bonus late version sprockets for the Korean war tanks (M26/46) or alternatively your spares or workshop diorama if you like!
The sprues
 The new sprockets
 The tracks
Her it is all in-situ

Scale: 1:35
Product number: CB35065
Type:  New tooled kit
This all-new tooled Panzer.35t has been made in close co-operation with skp model of the Czech Republic.
This model kit is seen here in  a very detailed  kit from Bronco – they have made it with a full interior and working suspension and movable tracks ( sounds dangerous) to me it looks like the suspension with double spring set up is detailed up to the nnth degree doesn’t it?

The sprues
This gun is fully actionable sideways and up and down – the commander’s cupola is seen to be very detailed on the inside. The PE details come in handy here to make the thin parts to the extra Jerry cans, fasteners, straps, handles and very thin guards.
Here it is all built up – small but impressive!

W.W.II British Airborne Weapon & Equipment Set
Product number:  AB3567
1:35th Scale
Initial release - new tool
Bronco has been making lots of new sets to suit the British Red Devils on the D-day Anniversary. This set will match the troops, guns and Jeeps sets of recent times with a set that has pretty much everything you could want to come out of a Horsa glider or dropped from the sky in a canister on a ‘chute.
Backpacks, BREN guns, Sten Guns, Lee-Enfield rifles Webbley Revolvers, pistol holsters, wicker baskets, ammo crates, PIAT anti- tank guns and ammo, Plenty of cases and wicker baskets, a trolley and a push bike and even a fold-up motorbike dropped in a canister are just part of the very cool additions on this set!
Of course there is some Photo etch in this set as well (where would we be without it?  The portable radio sets and many handles as well as the mechanism for the PIAT, the bike wheels and even the cage door for the homing pigeon cage!!

USS San Antonio (LPD-17)
Product number:  NB5051
1/350th scale
This re-box kit of the USS San Antonio (LPD-17) features an updated kit with new parts in a kit that is made from moulded plastic sprues, clear plastic, Photo etched parts and waterslide decals
The extra parts include the full complement of attach aircraft and weapons. Not only the 2X all of these: Av-8 harriers, Seahawk Sea Knight, Sea Stallion, and Cobra helicopters but the Osprey (kinda helicopter/ plane) and the large in their own right hovercraft with Abrams and Humvee tanks. Rotors are extended and folded as well ( phew)
The ship is 595mm x 81mm and it has it’s own stand. There are four sheets of Photo etch parts and three decal sheets. This is a very well detailed model with everything to keep both your desk full and your calendar booked for quite a while.

Russian Self-Propelled Gun SU-152 (KV-14)
[April, 1943 Production] Initial release - new tool Plastic sprues, Photoetch, Waterslide decals, Cable/Wire
1/48th scale
Product number:  ZB48004
This popular soviet tank killer called “the Beast Killler” is not such a big but a “Little” beast killer. The not often 1/48th market gets plundered here by bronco who have kept the detail but made this at a smaller scale.

The sprues for this release..
There are simplified tracks and hull design, The only Photo etch is used on the engine mesh and the clear parts are just the headlights. There are decals for two SU-152’s from the People’s army.
Although she is smaller this tank is pretty nifty – several things you would not expect on a smaller scale tank are included – slide moulded gun recoil action with a fully detailed breach for the gun, the hatches can be opened or closed and the running gear is very well detailed for this scale.
All of these are very soon to be released by Bronco and we will have more of them when they reach the open air of your hobby shop. Bronco’s distributors worldwide will sell them.