August 05, 2014

Meticulously making your Mustang or Shining up your Spitfire? Barracuda's latest sets are just in time for their appearance at the USA Nats..

The IPMS national convention in Hampton Roads, Virginia USA is the scene for the latest airing of Barracuda Studios latest resin sets for the Spitfire and Mustang in 32nd scale – we have a sneak peak at these new items before they surface tomorrow…
IPMS USA Barracuda Studios release…
Barracuda Studios is off to Hampton Roads, Virginia tomorrow for the IPMS/USA national Convention.

Roy from Barracuda has been working long days (and some very long nights) getting these new products ready to debut at the show.

Here is a quick look at the new products. They are not up on the website yet and won't be until next week when we are back from the show.

P-51D Mustang Late Seat - No Belts
Accurate, super detailed WMA metal seat with separate backpad and new armored seat bulkhead for Tamiya, ZM, Dragon, other P-51D kits. Decals are included for the seat backpad and the seatbelt stitching.

P-51D Mustang Late Seat with Belts
Accurate, detailed WMA metal seat with molded-in belts and backpad, new armored seat bulkhead for Tamiya, ZM, Dragon, other P-51D kits. Decals are included for the seat backpad and the seatbelt stitching.
And some lovely decals to save you some work are included...

Spitfire Mk I-V Resin Seat with Backpad
This set contains an accurate standard Spitfire seat with detailed back pad and armor plate to replace the inaccurate seat in Revell’s Mk IIa kit. 

Spitfire Mk I-V Cockpit Door - No Crowbar
This set contains an accurate Spitfire cockpit door with no crowbar to replace the door in Revell’s Mk IIa kit. Fits Hasegawa & Trumpeter kits.

Spitfire Mk I/II Wing Correction Set
This set contains accurate fabric ailerons, Mk I style oil cooler, new radiator housing and intake and exit ramps for Revell’s Spitfire Mk IIa kit. Early style fabric covered ailerons are included but not shown in these images.

Spitfire Mk I-V Five Slot Mainwheels
This set contains accurate, detailed main wheels to replace the odd looking main wheels in Revell’s Spitfire Mk IIa. Also for Hasegawa & Trumpeter.
These products will be available for sale starting Thursday morning at the show. They will be available to everyone else the following week, once Roy gets back and get the products loaded onto the website (our webmaster is going to the show too!). Watch this space for news of the official release next week. Below is where to find Roy and his guys in the hall:re ow is whracuda hasdios release...before they surface tomorrow...esin sets for the Spitfire and Mustang in 32nd