August 22, 2014


Although they have been quiet of late Pegaso has come to us with two new figures of the month of August – a big drummer boy and a Spartan warrior with spelling problems are this month’s newbies…
Pegaso’s new items August 2014

Item No#90-063
Sculptor: Ebroin
Painter: Diego Ruina
Material: white metal
Scale: 1:20th/90mm
This drummer of the Grenadier Guards is captured in a perfect timeframe for many – the Napoleonic wars where these soldiers rallied and signalled to their men and sought to provoke and scare the enemy.
He carries his two drumsticks and drum which he is cradling in his left hand – this drum is really very well decorated as they were in real life – it is gild and blue in this box art painting by the talented Diego Ruina. 
He carries the hide covered backpack with a sleeping roll on his back and his short sword on his waist – it is evident to me though that his main weapon would be his drum and sticks… 

Sculptor: Carles Vaquero
Boxart: Aleks Michelotti
Material: White metal
Scale: 75 mm
Price:€ 37,19
Probably one of the most famous warriors in the world the Spartan (H)oplite (spelling mistake on the Boxart maybe or just language?) this warrior of ancient times has found a lot of fame recently thanks to the 300 movies – lucky this one is more ancient warrior that Scottish bloke with body makeup painting a six-pack.
You could however paint your own six-pack on this model just like the makers of 300 as you re-enact the Boxart of this lovely painted figure by Aleks Michelotti and sculpted by Carles Vaquero in 75mm white metal.
The Spartan “V” shape is proudly adorned on this bronze shield and interestingly this warrior has a winged helmet which isn’t as common as the “mane” style going straight down the middle. This fellow has a fair bit of armour on as well and this is a little different to the stories of Spartans going into battle mostly unclothed. It is however a nicely composed sculpt..
These two figures are now available from Pegaso Miniatures from their website.