Previous issues of Panzer Aces have seen World War II covered with some lovely models – Issue No# 46 of Panzer Aces features Post World War II vehicles and some of the best models on the market now. Let’s see what’s in store for us in today’s review of their latest
Panzer Aces 46.
64 Pages
A-4 Format
Today we have a look at the latest in the “specials” in the
“Panzer Aces” series from Euro Modelismo. This edition features lot of tanks,
AFV’s and the like but something is different this time – the WWII theme often
a feature of this magazine is left for an issue – the models in this mag are
all modern warfare vehicles of the post WWII theatres of war.
The reason this focused edition is on modern vehicles I
would suggest is the recent surge in interest thru a lot of good quality new
kits with no other ground except modern warfare to cover. The “not another
Panzer” brigade are getting what they want, a fresh change. I have to side with
the editor’s comments a little here – the newer vehicles usually don’t get my
heart going too much.
Backed in hard but glossy cardstock, this magazine has a 5mm
thick spine which sets it out as different straight away. The feel is very much
like the earlier magazine these guys did on turretless German tanks.
There aren’t really any adverts in this magazine, which
makes up for this with an 11 Euro cover price - the fact there are 64 pages
with no interruptions helps, also there really aren’t any bogus pages of short
reviews or previews – it concentrates on good quality builds which I am really
in favour of. There are several pages in the build of each model where we see
some step by step (SBS) builds that I think modellers really want to see more
of. There is also the older style text that we are more accustomed to. I for
one love the SBS style and I hope we see more of it. More meat and fewer
Let’s get onto the builds. Firstly we start off by looking
at an interesting build of what looks like a really complicated machine – the -
ABRAMS TUSK II main battle tank. The
Dragon kit in 1/35th scale is made by José Luis López Pérez.
The variation “black and White” paint job he has done with
this vehicle really brings out the depth in the tiled armour. Those like myself
who might have been a bit dubious of this technique might give it another
thought after the steps are clearly laid out here in this mag.
Something that isn’t armoured – although it might be a good
idea is the M-49 A2C Fuel Tanker
kit. Dragon’s 1/35th scale model is made by Sergio Fenoy here and he does take
it from standard to a fairly impressive representation of the tanker.
Using most of the traditional model techniques like a lot of
chipping, fuel and water stains, dirt and mud with pigments and washes to
enhance depth in some details Sergio makes this kit look worth a lot more than its
asking price. He also uses some material interestingly that I would not have
thought of before.
MENG’s much talked about kit of the M2A3 BRADLEY with BUSK III armour is next. Built in 1/35th scale
made by Javier López de Anca this whole inside/outside build is not for the
faint hearted but we see the whole thing from engine, to crew compartment to
tank structure and applique armour added
here in a large SBS style of build.
There is a hell of a lot to show off here and it is all
fitted in with several pages (six in total) at the end in a gallery style
showing you a little better the end result we are all looking for when we build
a model. I do not care much about the Bradley AFV – but this build sure did
change my mind about them.
Lastly the great country Slovakia gets a run in this issue
with the Tamiya T-55 C1 with large mine rolling kit at the front in UN service
and white and blue colours. The model is made by Jari Hemila and includes some
extreme thick rusting textures after the vehicle was seen laying to waste after
the Kosovo conflict. I learnt a lot from this build about modelling vehicles
with strong contrasting colours and pulling it off convincingly.
Well that is all – except for the editor’s comments in the
back which always puzzles me – maybe it’s a European thing as I have seen it
I like this “special” series of magazines. No adverts jut
building models – I could do with a little less duplication of text in that I would
like a simple introduction and then an SBS to show the model. This system here
still works OK for a magazine and I’m maybe pulling at strings as I like it all
so much.
Great work in making some “Modern” Panzer Aces tittles – I am
sure it won’t be the last and for that I'm greatful.
To buy this mag or any back issues just shoot to the Panzer Aces site for more info - thanks to them for sending it to us to review..