We got the chance to look at the launch edition of the exciting
“Aces High” magazine last
month – it was pretty nice and full of top quality builds by noted
modellers. Last month was night fighters of the Luftwaffe but this edition
covers the aircraft of World War I – let’s have a look at what is in store for
us in our issue II review….
Aces High #2 “world War One”
English /Spanish
versions available
82 pages A4 Portrait
Price: 9 Euro
This magazine is
available through Aces High’s distributors,
or their online shop..
Aces High is now
two issues old. Each of the issues concentrates on a particular theme which is
the popular thing to do it seems now-days – Issue No. 1 was full of with German
Night Fighters of World War Two whilst and this issue centres on the fairly
recent craze in aircraft modelling - World War One aircraft.
This is a newer style of magazine – the business model is
higher door price but fewer pages wasted with adverts so a more in depth
experience of modelling each of the kits. These magazines are harder to locate
than your regular newsagent type but on the whole I find this new crop a lot
more rewarding and better value for your buck.
The driving force behind this magazine – and this is pretty
evident through reading his earlier works is the top modeller and now editor,
Daniel Zamarbide. Daniel has written for plenty of modelling magazines and most
recently the very nice Valiant wings series of “how to” books on the He-219
& Mustang from Zoukei Mura. Having reviewed these books the style in this
magazine has almost copied them – you get a feeling that this is laid out more
like a book than a magazine.
We DID however have some minor issues with the first issue
that hinted at a rushed or compromised release. I am really pleased as this has
led to a better experience in fluidity this time around. We’ll talk thru them
as we go.
Physically this magazine is 65 pages bound in a glossy cover
with lovely artwork on the front and inside the covers. There was a problem
with the few pages of adverts last time – they were placed in odd locations –
In the middle of built model galleries which broke up the flow. The three or
four pages of advertisements in this mag are thoughtfully place between builds
so you aren’t distracted from the real meat of the sandwich.
These magazines feature a fold out centre spread with the
artwork in a Pyn-Up style of a lovely lassie of the time period. Last time we
saw that if you took the fold out poster out you lost a page of the build from
your magazine. Daniel has moved the two other advertisement pages so they back
this and now you lose nothing through taking out the poster. Great stuff.
The ladies of WWI get
a look in as well in a nice poster for inspiration - let’s get on with the
builds in the mag..
The first build we see is a 1/32nd Wingnut Wings (who
must love this edition) AMC DH.2 of the
RFC made by Jose M Fernandez. He is a fearless chap as this machine is so laden
with wires it looks like a strainer.
Using a lot of masks and a fair bit of skill he paints and makes his own masks and
rigging for this complicated airframe. You get a step by step (SBS) build of
this in several incriminations of steps showing you just how something that
looks like a plastic engine become something that is a real miniature 32nd
scale engine. Fading techniques and some cloth rigging as well as painting
propellers is shown here a little as well.
The second build is another Wingnut Wings kit in 32nd scale - the Sopwith Pup in
service with the RNAS by Juan Manuel Villegas Castro. I was very impressed with
this build as he let us in on a few nice tips that will help a lot of modellers
out there.
Some very nice wood grain reproduction, some canvas
interiors, faded cloth wings, oil splattered new metal finishes and a great
tutorial on weathering wheels is just part of the build instruction on this
kit. I really enjoyed this build.
Now for the turn of “Ze Germans” with Miguel Morales build
of Eduard’s 1/48 kit of the Fokker Dr.I from
Eduard. A black and white colour scheme
has been chosen for this build and it is great to see something different in
this choice.
The well-known brownish streaking on the wing upper surfaces
has been captured very well with this build and the pictures and model are very
clean. I would say that we could see more pictures of smaller sections instead
of larger pictures of a larger part – it reduces the impact of this otherwise great
The next build is a beautiful looking 1/32 Hannover CL.II from Wingnut Wings modelled by Tomek Wajnkaim in
a lozenge scheme made using homemade masks. This green, yellow, blue and purple
machine really does stand out. It is colours like this and the Fokker that
really attract people to these early flying machines.
This model aircraft isn’t just a nice cockpit and woodgrain
with some lovely engine work – it is lozenge mask parts in four different
layers applied bit by bit – it’s hard to do this without applying paint to
thickly and I think Tomek has pulled it off here pretty well.
The French-built Nieuport
23 in 1/48th scale is next cab off the rank – built by Ricardo Abad Medina
this kit from Eduard is seen in an interesting Russian scheme that is faded and
beautiful. Ricardo shows us just how he got there in another step by step build
featuring strong work in natural metal, masking and faded cloth finish.
I lied it seems a little in the intro I confess - when I
said this magazine focuses on WWI aircraft – well there are some other
modelling here a WWI modeller might be interested in. Figure and accessory
modelling are in here as well. Firstly some figure painting step by step
processes - pilots and ground crew
figures from Aviattic in which Roberto Ramírez shows you how to paint these
and compose a vignette of pilots waiting for the call to action.
We all need scenery to make our models come alive - this 1/32nd
German fuel cart allows you to refuel your Luftstreitkräfte’s scale aircraft
and Roberto Ramírez teaches us how to apply an attractive finish to the new Aviattic resin kit which should fit
into a lot of scenes in Wingnut Wing’s kits.
We continue non sequitur with the 1/72nd scale Mack AC truck - a product of RPM it is
modelled here by Francisco Javier Martínez Rodríguez in minute but precise
We end with a tip that next edition of this magazine is
focused on the Empire of the sun – Japanese aircraft in World War II
Well second episode in – and this magazine is on the improve
already. In changing a few things like focusing on just a short intro and step by step builds, moving the advertisement
placements and some layout changes it has helped with the flow of this magazine a great deal. Modellers
are visual creatures and the pictures in these builds and the way they are laid
out makes for a magazine that reads with the quality of a book.
Great job on this – keep it up!
Adam Norenberg
Thanks to Aces High for sending this mag out for review - It is available through Aces High’s distributors,
or their online shop..