September 27, 2014

Do you want to contribute to Rinaldi Studio Press's future? Then read on...

Mike Rinaldi’s series of TANKART books are amongst our favourite series of books on the market right now. Three titles in there are plans afoot to expand the range to all branches of modelling and to narrow the focus to one subject a book in the “SM Series”. First mike needs to find a business model that can allow him to concentrate solely on publishing good books – and that is where you come in…

Rinaldi Studio Press’s future plans and a whole new way of making modelling books

Mike Rinaldi is about to start a new series of books alongside the now much loved TANKART series. Here at TMN we know how hard it is to produce constant quality work at the level Mike and his cohorts do – and he has found a new business method to allow him to concentrate on working and not having the time TO work.

We have reviewed all three Tankart books and found them to be of the best quality and extremely helpful to modellers.
As you can see we are firm believers in RSP's vision and products they make - and so we have no hesitation to show you some of their plans for their future.. Why buy into someone else's "Krazy scheme" you may ask? Well we have looked at the offers here and found that you will definitely be getting something for your money – be it helping RSP directly make the books you love for pocket change - or one- two, or three books for a little more and on to a higher level with the other special extras on offer– depending on how much you want to spend.

We will now will hand it over to Mike to explain to you how you can be a part of the Rinaldi Studio Press’ future…

Press Release
Mike Rinaldi
Rinaldi Studio Press

RINALDI STUDIO PRESS is rapidly expanding! Now is the time to reinvigorate this exciting new company and propel it forward to greater heights and help us produce a host of new products waiting in the wings. TANKART 1, 2 & 3 have shown the hobby world what is possible with a fresh approach to how-to guide books. Rinaldi Studio Press (RSP) has pulled the veil aside to showcase a vibrant and original publication concept explaining the HOW of each process coupled with the author's artistic expression of WHY a process was chosen and applied at each particular step of painting and weathering a scale model. Combined with exceptionally clear graphics, award winning models, and amazing high-resolution photographs, each chapter lays out the story of the project to its maximum potential...the difference between our books and other related products is we provide a staggering amount of information at a tremendous value, both in terms of the price and processes learned. This revolutionary publishing concept for the hobby market was born from Michael Rinaldi's passion to create an entirely new line of publications that educate, inspire and motivate any and all scale modellers.
Why Kickstarter? Why now? We started with an initial investment that helped launch the first TANKART 1 book to overwhelming sales success, and now we seek new funding to continue to create our exciting titles quicker and for a much broader audience within the hobby. We've sold nearly 14,000 books to date, and successful support for true growth in the future is now possible -- with your help. Funding from this Kickstarter campaign will go a long way to stabilize RSP and let us proceed with the challenge of publishing our books in a much more consistent manner, and allow us to continue to produce these titles within our well established quality levels. This is a very unique opportunity to step behind a growing company and say "We will support you and what you are doing for this great hobby of ours!"
What the future holds...TANKART was just the start! Coming next from the RSP workbench is a range of new titles beyond the military modelling themes. Aviation and civilian-based subjects like trains and construction equipment are sizable areas of the hobby not yet attended to by Rinaldi Studio Press. By creating TANKART-style formatted books Mr. Rinaldi will bring his world-class painting & weathering philosophies and techniques into these substantial markets, helping RSP to grow even more. Alongside these exciting products will be another book series dedicated specifically to Science Fiction and Fantasy based models, subjects that transcend all age groups! But wait that's not all that is planned...SM Series. In addition to the above mentioned titles, RSP will produce a smaller sized book line based on the single model approach that will cover one model from start to finish, illustrating and explaining every step of painting and weathering the model. The SM Series will be open to any and all subjects at a much lower price point to reach every hobby shop and modeller on the planet!
What's up next?? Part of the Kickstarter funding will help us print the next two books ready to go. From within the ongoing and very popular TANKART series, a heavily revised and updated TANKART 1 German Armor (2nd Ed) is all set to go to the printer. It features 16 added pages, updated graphics and cover, a brand new guest author Lester Plaskitt and his Euro Militaire Gold Medal winning Sd.Kfz 251 with custom made halftrack crew -- all of which fits into the new graphic style seen with the class-leading TANKART 3 Modern Armor book. The conversation inside is updated to include newer technique ideas as well. Also coming next is...
TANKART 4 German Armor A return to the ever popular subject of WWII German Armor this all-new TANKART book features 4 wonderfully creative models from Michael Rinaldi showcasing a broad range of camo schemes, a technique section describing his hobby leading photography, a very special appearance by world renowned armor modeller Mario Eens from Belgium with his never-before-published and exclusive to TANKART 4 French Char B1 bis in captured German service. The TANKART 4 model chapters will average over 40-pages in length, something never seen before in modelling books.

Technical Specs: Each multiple-model book is in the now familiar size of 8.5" x 9.5" (specifically designed to allow large photo formats, yet still fit comfortably on any workbench), and in the newly expanded page count of 224-pages. The special Lay-Flat Binding with matt laminated soft-touch cover is very unique to the hobby industry and allows the books to be pressed down flat and stay there. 
Price point of each book is $40USD for an incredible per page value, and shipping is handled via our fulfilment house with USPS Priority Mail worldwide delivery. The newly designed RSP website is the global portal and includes our extensive RSP DEALERS network and includes links to facilitate purchases, and heralds our precisely branded philosophy. We operate a very efficient checkout process through our secure PayPal shopping cart, in fact, our damages and returns are well below 1% -- yes, you read that correctly! As a new publisher we go through extraordinary lengths to ensure our products are superior and arrive pristine, anywhere on the planet.
What makes the RSP books so special? Each book is a very unique and rewarding experience. There is nothing quite like them in the hobby world and the writing dives far deeper into the realms of what it actually takes to create a world-class level of finish on your own models. It starts with the amazing photographs, a lot of skill and energy was spent on high-quality imagery to create large, clear photos that fully illustrate the steps of the painting and weathering, which are then accompanied with a very unique dual-text format that explains the How and the Why of what is taking place as the book unfolds. The depth to which the processes are explained is not found anywhere else in this hobby, there are no attempts to hide any tips or tricks, products and materials are honestly and openly discussed. Backing all of this effort up is the story of the models themselves. Again, this is a new approach to explaining modelling practices from a whole new light, a true behind-the-scenes level of description that helps the reader progress through their own work and create even better models for their collections. 

Lastly, the printing. Each RSP product is printed on exceptional quality stock to create an experience that transcends normal hobby publishing products. The durable and useable Lay-Flat Binding is a functional element that allows the books to be used as tools on the workbench, and the soft touch matt laminated covers are as durable as they are a pleasure to hold. The interior pages are printed on satin finish silk stock that allows each photo to be printed at its best with little to no glare for maximum usability. RSP's goal is to provide amazing quality at a value that is unrivalled in any arena. No effort is spared to educate, inspire, and motivate!

TA3 Modern Armor sample layout pages
TANKART Press Sheet
AIRPLANEART 1 Sample Cover
Follow this link to see the offers and the levels of commitment you can give to make this series bigger and better and to get special experiences on offer - there are some great experiences here  - some one one one tutorial experiences and a chance to be truly a part of this series' history for the price of a book or several - its your choice..