Mantis Miniatures has sent us some figures of WWII G.I.’s on the road along
with the bike’s stowage of weapons and kit bags to go with them. This kit goes
very well with the MiniArt WLA bike and we thought we would build these figures and compare them with the parts on the bike - then show them all together to give you a proper feel of their quality…
Review: Mantis
Miniatures designed to fit the
MiniArt WLA Motorcycle
U.S. Motorcycle WLA Rider
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Dmitri Shevzov
price: 12€
U.S. Soldier
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Krisztian Bodi
price: 12€
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Krisztian Bodi
price: 12€
U.S. Soldier & Rider
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Dmitry Shevzov & Krisztian Bodi
Both 35056 & 35057 available as a set
price: 24 €
Accessories for US
WWII Motorcycle WLA
1/35th scale
Designed to fit the MiniArt WLA bike
price: 12 €
1/35th scale
Designed to fit the MiniArt WLA bike
price: 12 €
All of these are available from Mantis Miniatures Distributors worldwide.
The complexity of new models hitting the market demands an
equally lifelike figures to ride and to interact with the riders of that kit. Miniart’s WWII WLA Harley Davidson
Motorcycle is .a complicated but oh-so very rewarding kit to make. The levels
of detail far exceed the much older Tamiya kit of the bike made decades ago and
Mantis Miniatures has not only some
figures but some accessories to bring the environment around the bike into the
21st century.
This is the kit i used - although there are several kits of WLA's in the MiniArt range.
And maybe the box art inspiration?
..and the bike bring built up - it certainly deserves a good figure and heavily laden pack for those strong brackets! More of this bike built up later in the review.
Below is a picture of what the WLA looks like when restored to as-new
condition…We did need an updated kit and MiniArt has come to the party. We
constructed this kit for the purposes of this review to show you just how the
base kit works (or doesn’t) with this set of two soldiers and the accessories
that were designed as an upgrade to this kit.
Of note more than anything on this bike are the machine gun holster - the saddlebags and the canvas front shield... hmmmm
Here are a few intrepid riders from all around to show you how these bikes looked in the real world.
We thought seeing the figures and accessories were so
closely linked we would build them up for you in a review so you can see for
yourself what they are made of.
Ok - Let’s go!
The figures/
Firstly we will look at the packaging for both of these
figures and then go on to specifics.
These can come as single figures or as a pair in the same
box. Both of the figures have only the one head choice and both are cast in
grey resin and are attached to casting /pouring blocks.
The resin these are made of is bubble free but not without
it’s share of extra flash material to clean up.
This isn’t too much of a big deal and you should be priming and painting
these both pretty quickly. The rider especially has a lot of extra resin
holding him in place and I suppose saving him from breaking in transit.. They
are both packed in Zip-loc bags in the box saving any lost parts.
Let’s look closer at each – then the accessories and then the figures as a pair with the accessories on the bike..
U.S. Motorcycle WLA Rider
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Dmitri Shevzov (dedicated for MiniArt kit)
price: 12€
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Dmitri Shevzov (dedicated for MiniArt kit)
price: 12€
This resin figure is sculpted by Dmitri Shevzov and depicts
a dispatch rider in cold conditions that suits the Harley WLA motorcycle made
by MiniArt. He mirrors the
successful German dispatch riders set which
was so popular – this one looks almost as cold or mas those Germans did. We
certainly could do with some winter-weight troops in the allied stash so he was
a good choice.
The figure is made up of three simple pieces that are
supported by resin to (I guess) keep the legs and arms safe from breaking. The
casting points are rather large but they do the job as the resin had no surface
bumps - on all of these pieces in the reviews I think I found just one bubble
on one of the side pouches on the bike.
He wears the large thick U.S. WWII parka overcoat which you
can see has a thin belt which gathers it in on the waist. This creates a really
wrinkly jacket that sits baggy all over this figure in some nicely crafted
folds. This hooded jacket sits close over his face which I think is really very
well sculpted. Not too much of anything he looks just like a common man without
caricature as some figure makers do tend to sculpt.
His gloves on his hands are adorned with the ribs you would see on the dispatch rider’s gloves in real life and they are tucked over the sleeves of his coat. His fingers are articulate enough to have two fingers holding the clutch on the handlebars which he has in his hand.
Now as soon as I saw that he was holding onto the
pre-moulded handlebars I became worried for two reasons – you have to get his
fit exactly right – spot on – so no room for error in placement of the arms and
the hands on the bike. You have to cut the handlebars on the bike for it to
match. I crossed my own fingers in anticipation to see if they did fit – well show
you what happened a little later…
Here he is altogether from many different angles and the pictures he was inspired by
OK on to the second soldier in this set – sold separately or
together with the WLA rider.
U.S. Soldier
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Krisztian Bodi
price: 12€
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Krisztian Bodi
price: 12€
This GI – is sculpted by Krisztian Bodi as fans of his work
will recognize. Sporting a cigarette and a broken looking/roman nose he looks
nearly as cold as the dispatch rider as his clothes look pretty buttoned up. He
carries not just a Tommie gun and extra armour but a pistol for self-defence as
This figure comes in five parts of grey resin. Again well cast with no superficial bubbles or seams he is made up of two arms, a Thompson MG a torso and the one head choice.
This figure comes in five parts of grey resin. Again well cast with no superficial bubbles or seams he is made up of two arms, a Thompson MG a torso and the one head choice.
His head is very different to the WLA rider in the way that
he has much more pronounced features. His nose is hooked and dominates his face
so he looks a little like an Italian American GI or maybe someone from Central
or southern Europe. Then again he could just have a big nose! The M1 helmet he
wears on his head is just the right shape. The chinstrap is in typical fashion
around the rear of the helmet.
His Thompson Machine gun is a good representation of the
real thing. The ray-gun like look is removed when you take the long resin teat
off the barrel. The only thing you need is a paper or metal paper strap that
the soldier is holding it with.
On his torso this GI wears a very typical “Ike jacket” over
his uniform tunic. This is pretty wrinkly as it is held on the torso with the
cloth belt this soldier wears that is packed with spare Thompson ammunition
pouches and a first aid pouch on his right hip.
On his rear is a regular GI pack and water bottle – you can see his pants are
tucked into his boots and canvas galoshes – parts of me think he could pass for
a paratrooper because they tucked their pants into their books always. It was
one of the signs that you are a paratrooper so I would make him that. The
pouches on his pants are completely packed with gear. He also carries a pistol
in his right hip holster.
The arms of this soldier are easy enough to secure to the
figure – both of them have wrinkly texture and the cuffs and buttons at the
sleeves. The fingers are again well articulated and this young man is risking
his life while in combat – he is smoking!
Here he is altogether. Different to the WLA rider but he
should be as well. These two could be platoon mates or from different units
like they actually are. They fit pretty well.
Accessories for US WWII Motorcycle WLA
1/35th scale
Designed to fit the MiniArt WLA bike
(dedicated for the MiniArt kit)
price: 12 €
1/35th scale
Designed to fit the MiniArt WLA bike
(dedicated for the MiniArt kit)
price: 12 €
This is a very helpful set to dress up and improve your WLA
Harley made by MiniArt. It contains resin sculpts of:
1. Two
(2) x saddlebags, one with a water flask
2. A
roll up sleeping flap with a haversack, entrenching tool and a “walkie-talkie”
3. A
Tommy-Gun in its holster
4. A
rifle M1 Garand with M1938 Leather Rifle Scabbard carried in the provided
bracket on the front forks and an entrenching shovel included – just in case..
The Weapons:-
Several types of weapons were carried by their riders on the
WLA’s – here is a large collection of guns and their scabbards used on these
bikes.As an example i have a few of these tyoes used in configurations int he picture's below.
Top to bottom:
M1928A1 Thompson SMG
with M1940 Scabbard
M1 Garand Rifle with
M1938 Scabbard
M1 Carbine with
Leather Scabbard
M1A1 Carbine with
Folding Stock & Scabbard
M1 rifle in scabbard:
A rifle M1 Garand with M1938 Leather Rifle Scabbard carried in the provided
bracket on the front forks and an entrenching shovel.
(Mantis parts are in the lighter grey)
It’s great to see it here in
this accessories kit.
Saddlebags:- A
set of two smooth brown leather saddlebags (Part Number 11786-XM) was supplied
with each WLA Motorcycle. These bags mounted to the rear frames on the luggage
rack brackets riveted to the bag. Each bag has two tie-back straps on the sides
to keep the bags from swinging. The covers are secured with three leather
straps with black painted or parkerized steel buckles. There bags were by no
means as square as the ones you get in the MiniArt kit and so were ripe to be
picked out to be improved with resin additives.
(Mantis parts are in the lighter grey) you can see the buckles and the irregular shape of the worn leaher on the resin parts to great effect.
and the real thing...
Also you can easily fit these resin parts onto the rear frame of the bike with the notches already in the resin.
The Windshield Apron;
for the protection of the whole front of the bike was made of Leatherette in
the earlier parts of the war but later (June 1943) was constructed of Canvas.
(Mantis part is in the lighter grey on the left - the Miniart on the right)
The wrinkly material fits very well to the “Perspex” clear
windshield. I haven’t put everything on the bike as of yet – the lights and
siren as well as the ammo/stowage box on the left front wheel – it looks just
that little degree better than anyone else’s kit without this set.
And here is the bike from all angles with the light grey parts representing the Mantis add-ons - they really do bring the kit up a notch and for 12 €...
U.S. Soldier & Rider
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Dmitry Shevzov & Krisztian Bodi
Both 35056 & 35057 available as a set
price: 24 €
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Dmitry Shevzov & Krisztian Bodi
Both 35056 & 35057 available as a set
price: 24 €
These are seen together sold as a set in this boxing. When
placed together there is some eye contact between the two but nothing is being
said. Of course sculpted by Dmitry Shevzov & Krisztian Bodi they are a good
pair who are looking directly at each other.
You can see the handlebars are clipped and the WLA rider
sits perfectly weighted on the bike. This was such a relief and the reason why I
made sure I put him together in this review – I wanted to know for sure whether
he fitted or not in a natural way before passing judgement on him.
The bike with all of the accessories –the two figures – it all
looks great to me and it is very satisfying to see these two built up. They
would make a great dio base and the extras on the bike really add to the scene.
I am not saying the Miniart kit isn't good – because they make the best bikes
in this scale – but this set along with the two riders make for the start of
something very nice on your modelling table.
Adam Norenberg
New items available
from next week from Mantis Miniatures directly and the
best worldwide model shops. You can also place an order directly from Mantis by
you can see the lead
up work by their excellent painter Artur Miniszewski as well – note in the
pictures below of the MiniArt cycle he is very skilled. This is what we can
achieve if you put your mind to it!