September 26, 2014

The second of the “Birthday" issues for EuroModelismo is out now and in English!

Euromodelismo Magazine’s anniversary issue was actually a double! We looked at the special 250th edition this month but the new Issue #251 is the second half of their celebration and we have some large images and text of contents so you can see for yourself before you buy. Let’s re-join their party…

Euromodelismo 251
English Language Special Edition 
(Also available in Spanish)
88 Pages,
A-4 format
9€ from Euromodelismo directly or good model shops and bookshops
Scale model magazine with high quality about wide range of modelling categories; armoured vehicles, aircraft, figures, science fiction, fantasy, automobiles and ships. Step by step procedures by the most prestigious hobbyists in the international scene. Tricks, techniques, scenery tips, scale figure painting. Also you can find profiles, gallery, choosing the right products, accessories and colour chart and materials employed:

Euromodelismo 251 Contents

Euromodelismo 251 is available in English as well as the normal Spanish edition. They want to celebrate with all of you by publishing Euromodelismo 250 and 251 in English.

Interesting account of the beginnings of this hobby in Spain as told by Rodrigo Hernández Cabos, exposing his experiences in this world of ours, the appearance of the first specialized stores, contests and the birth of the “Modelismo & Historia” magazine.

- EGYPTIAN M109 2011, AFV CLUB 1/35 scale by Miguel Jiménez MIG
With this modern vehicle painted with a single color, Miguel Jiménez MIG, surprises us once more with this paintjob without extreme weathering effects but with a considerable amount of nuances, giving this vehicle a highly realistic volume and looks.

- AFTER THE BLITZKRIEG, POLAND 1939, 1/35 scale by Carlos de Diego Vaquerizo.
Carlos de Diego Vaquerizo, a member of our technical staff for many years shows us with this diorama the assembly and ultrafine detailing work typical of his works. This diorama has two vehicles, a Tempo G 1200 and a Tankietka TKS. The second vehicle is remarkable for the paintjob recreating rust after it has been destroyed.

- DOUGLAS A-1H SKYRAIDER, TAMIYA 1/48th scale by Juan Villegas Castro. 
Juan Villegas surprises us with the paint treatments he’s done with this plane, adapting the weathering concepts of the AFV’s, doing a job that does not go unnoticed to whoever looks at it.

- ALBATROS D.V, WINGNUT WINGS 1/32 scale by Chema Martinéz
Again a Wingnut Wings kit is the building block for Chema Martínez who does a splendid job with some improvements on this factory assembly work, particularly on the engine and the machine guns with a colourful paintjob, typical of the era which makes this kit look quite realistic and visually enticing.

- GENERAL ARMISTEAD, HIDALGO-BENEITO Miniaturas Militares 54 mm by Luis Gómez Platón 
With this figure of a Confederate General manufactured by Beneito, Luis Gómez Platón, an important member of our staff for many years, contributes with this figure to this 250th issue celebration.

Also available is the other side of the birthday double issue - Euromodelismo 250 which we have reviewed here already:
- CHAR FCM 2C, MENG 1/35, made by Javier Redondo.
- BA-64B, Tamiya 1/48. Made by Joaquín García Gázquez.
- MATILDA MK4CS, Tamiya 1/35. Made by Cristóbal Vergara Durán.
- U.S. CAVALRY, Trumpeter and Italeri 1/72. Made by Sergio Fenoy Cruz.
- F-16 CJ, Tamiya 1/32. By Javier López de Anca
- ME 163B KOMET, MENG 1/32. By Tomás de la Fuente.
- ZOUAVE V.A. 54 mm. Juan C. Ávila Ribadas.
Euro Modelismo is available right now from their website..