Zoukei Mura’s Horten Ho 229
1/32nd Scale
Plastic Model Kit (No P/E or resin parts)
19 sprues of grey and clear plastic
Decals for two versions with many numbers.
This kit is now on sale at Volks directly at this link or their distributors worldwide.
Part I: Review is here
Part II – Building up the power..
Part III – The
frame of the plane
Part IV - Big
wheels and Cockpits
Where to start indeed? The real concern I had when setting
out how I wanted to build this kit was to expose every part I could to you the
reader as I went through. So that meant skipping nothing and talking it step by
step. I was very much wanting to go step by step as I was a little worried
about getting ahead of myself.
The Junkers Jumo 004
jet engine was advanced in it’s day and although flawed in it’s delivery of
power it was a step beyond anything a piston aircraft could deliver at that
Luckily the kit itself is bunched up tightly into a single
or a few sprues for each part of the build. There are 19 clear and plastic
sprues in this big box and I am so glad that Zoukei-Mura placed everything in a
place easy to find without rooting through the box to find a tiny part far away
from it’s counterparts. This makes the build a lot more enjoyable.
This is the engine we
think that Zoukei-Mura studied in close attention – notice the colours and the
trolley? hmmm
As do the instructions which really do take you through the
build. Explaining what the parts are you are putting together and how they
relate. This as well as the SWS build philosophy is explained further on every
page. The earnestness of the model makers to please the modeller really stands
out here.
OK enough chit chat – on with the build.
I do not know why – but in the instructions we start at 3-1?
Anyway steps 3-1A through 3-1E all deal with putting this replica of the Junker
Jumo 004B engine together. And when we say a full engine that is what we mean.
It only is missing a little detail in the rear of the exhaust chamber to make
it in all but mechanical a true replica.
3-1A: The pipe cleaner looking compressor rotor blade which
goes right through the kit is made up of a series of fans glued around the
shaft. They only fit one way and there is a good indication of how they go on
the instructions. A big hint is the teardrop shape that the compressor makes as
it encases the shaft.
Once it the shaft can actually spin! But it will be sealed
up. You can leave this section completely open to show inside but we didn’t want
to do this.
3-1C: The long housing of the intake is next to be made – it
joins onto a fan gate and all of this is encased by the two leading edges of
the outside intake of the Jumo engine
Now the intake spike parts are no problem but the casing
around may need some juggling to get together – putting the spike into it may push
too hard and leave a crack in the casing front if you are not careful – so before
you paint this make sure it fits and then you have my permission to paint it.
3-1D: The rear turbine nozzle is next. Five simple parts
that go together without issue. All these parts fit together no problem.
I actually left part A-41 the nozzle spike off and painted
the burnt iron colour in the pipe after sealing the external casing of the exhaust then placed
the spike in with super glue. This solves you pry around the tight spaces of the nozzle when painting it with an airbrush!
The turbine nozzle that spits out fire is seen on museum
engines are nicely cleaned and sometimes a little too much a clean silver colour – take it from me it would be a burnt iron
colour – like it says in the instructions.
3-1E: This is where the main part of the engine goes
together`. The combustion chamber parts are joined. This is a good time to paint
these parts in their different colours as the natural seams solves any overspray.
Take care especially on the front intakes and the rear exhaust nozzles to
remove any seams on the silver paint as these will be very visible at the end
of this build.
The usual suspects before the assembly
As a quick aside I made the two engine stands for this
engine at this point. Stowed away as a little surprise on the sprues these
square parts act as a part of the sprue frame and when sipped clear act as two
great frames.
They fit the engine perfectly and so you have the option to
uses these as a display if you want to leave one or both engines out of the
kit. I really liked this gesture by the designers.
**Slacker's tip** You could skip some of these steps if you wanted a quick build. You could forgo - 3-1A and simply glue the two halves of the shroud of the compressor housing without the semi-circle guards. So if you like things simple and external only this is a tip for you. I’ll give you more tips like this as we go through.
The paint I used for this was a mixture of primer from Mr Finishing
Surfacer in black, Mr Color 60 RLM 02 and the White Aluminium from Alclad.
Although the Alclad was not the best metalizer out there it was a base that I would
build shades onto later.
It all looks a little simple now – I would dirty it up (and heat it up) later
3-1F: All of the piping went on next. I used a silver pen to
paint the pipes. IT was not so durable to touch so later when the engine was in-situ I touched
it up with a Metalizer paint (Chrome Plate from Model master) which gave the
right shine. I would go through all of
these parts and what the pipes did but it would be pretty dull so I’ll leave
that part out. The look after this all went onto the shaft was nice but
ohh-too-clean for me still. I needed a used engine not a factory fresh type as
this was going to be portrayed as an in-service kite.
I wanted to try to add hints of hue to the used jet engine
so I opted for an experiment with Metal Polishing powders from Ushi
van der Rosten. I used the lighter Chrome type on the intake, the Steel
type on the middle section of the engine just behind that and the darker Iron
type on the exhaust section and rubbed a little on the black section as well to
liven it up a little and expose a few details there. The Iron especially I rubbed
on a fair bit even after this and it got even darker and gave a mottled effect
which I liked so much I kept.
I was not sure exactly how to seal this so it did not rub against
everything so I settles on a simple light coat of future to seal it in. Parts I
found heard to get to I used a pointy cotton bud (q-tip) to get in there. I
liked the look I got and I’ll use these again.
3-1K: Lastly I got the two halves of the heat shroud for the
exhaust nozzle together. This is made from two parts split down the middle and
they are in straight clear plastic – why I don’t know because you are to paint
them black once they are together. I suppose just as another option to see the
engine if you were to leave it unpainted. This was a thin joint and it broke on
me a few times so I just glued it and left a seam of super glue down the inside
of the joint to seal it.
Roughly sanded clear shroud on the left - polished on the right.
The joint polishes up
nicely to almost invisible with a nail sanding block with different gradients
so this part can be rendered clear if you like..
Here they both are –
paint chipped, and weathered with a light wash of AK Interactive Turbine Engine
wash to darken things up a little.
They look pretty cool on the frames don't they?
...And to step ahead a
little here they are inside the frame of the Horten Ho 229. You can see here I have
touched up the silver pipes and corrected a few bits of rough work. I think it
looks great and very convincing.
And the dirty exhaust with the dappling heat stress on the exhaust..
Well that was a part that I was a little concerned about
over and done with in an 8 hour day. It took some care to get it all to be
constructed in the right order with all the fan blades and housings but nothing
really stressful.
I really liked experimenting with the powders and colours of
the engine and I am glad you will get to see some of it when finished. I am glad to have this out of the way and I was
really looking forward to the next step the fuselage frame. .JPG)
Keep tuning in all this week of the whole build of this kit
as we take you through the whole thing.
Adam Norenberg
This kit is now on
sale at Volks directly at this link – Also check out “ZM’s Old Man Blog” for
more details on the company's musings as well!