January 30, 2015

D-day in the Ardenne? Four new SS men in winter climes share a break

D-Day Miniature Studios is about to recreate the battle of the Bulge again with it’s two new paired sets of four single figures in 35th scale. If you like warmly dressed SS figures you are in luck…

D-Day Miniature Studio new 1/35th scale products January 2015

The new releases from D-Day Miniatures show off four of the Ardennes Offensive’s attackers – there are four single figures or two sets of two soldiers to be had. Let’s take a look at these four Waffen SS soldiers from Ardennes Offensive …

Waffen SS soldier eating, Ardennes 1944
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Pawel Krasicki
Price 12 Euro
It’s chow time! This soldier hacks into some liberated good rations that the "Ami’s" had left behind. He is seen with his camouflage smock over his warm coat and wearing a peaked M43 soft hat on his smiling head as he takes a break from the fighting..

Waffen SS Tanker, Ardennes 1944
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Pawel Krasicki
Price 12 Euro
Watching on with his hungry colleague this SS man is seen with a stolen box of cigarettes "Lucky Strike?" tucked into his soft short tunic. He also is wearing the soft but peaked M43 hat but this man has a captured or Belgian made Colt pistol tucked into his service belt as well as his holstered number, and baggy camouflaged pants on as well.

Waffen SS soldiers at rest, Ardennes 1944 set
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Pawel Krasicki
Price 23 Euro
These toe are seen at a by-way enjoying a moment of conversation and maybe a break. Hopefully they enjoy it! These single soldiers are sold as a set in this case.

Waffen SS Jeep driver, Ardennes 1944
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Pawel Krasicki
Price 12 Euro
This SS man is seen at the wheel of a captured jeep (not included) and he is wearing a steel helmet and camouflage smock over his grey tunic and pants. He looks like a Feldwebel or maybe an unteroffizer as he is the driver of an officer who is sold with in a set.

Waffen SS Jeep passenger, Ardennes 1944
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Pawel Krasicki
Price 12 Euro
This SS officer is seen in a tailored and very warm animal skin (probably sheepskin) jacket that became popular after the winters of Russia. Put to good use here in the winter of Belgium as well it is keeping him warm as are his thick camouflage pants and crusher style officer’s hat.

Waffen SS Jeep crew, Ardennes 1944 set
1/35th scale
Sculpted by Pawel Krasicki
Price 23 Euro
These two can be used alone or with the other two figures to create a scene like the one that Pawel has created here. Very nicely done!
Visit the web site: ddayminiaturestudio.com for details. Any questions, orders etc. please write an email: office@ddayminiaturestudio.com