February 01, 2015

Alpine highlights the risks of smoking with their two new figures in 35th scale

Alpine Miniatures has released a new set of two German Panzer Men figures in 1/35th scale – we thought you would like to see these two  as they are both wounded and are slightly different to most tanker figures on the market. Let's put them together to show you how they build up both separately and together in today’s review
Review:Alpine Miniatures German Panzer Crew Set
German Panzer Crew #1
1/35th scale
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Boris Knokhov / Boxart by Sung Hak Yun

German Panzer Crew #2
1/35th scale
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Boris Knokhov / Boxart by Sung Hak Yun

German Panzer Crew Set
(2 figures)
1/35th scale
Sculpture by Boris Knokhov / Boxart by Sung Hak Yun

These figures are sold as a set or by themselves from Alpine Miniatures Distributors from this Link

Alpine Miniatures, long known as the pinnacle of figure making in the 1/35th and even in 1/16th scales has released a new set of two German tankers in 35th scale in time for December 2014 and we got the chance to review them for you. Apologies for being a little late for this review but we couldn’t take the best pictures whilst we were on our European sojourn. However we now have the pictures so we can properly show you how good they are or are not. Let’s get this review on!
The two tankers are sold as single figures or in a set from Alpine for a slightly lower price as a combo. They indeed are matching each other in their uniforms and their problems. It seems that both of these two figures are in the same boats as they have both been wounded.

Two soldiers wearing Sonderbekleidung der Panzertruppen in happier times with similar headgear
Before we get into both figures more we will look at the resin, the package and then we will look at them both as single figures and together and how they suit each other.

The two figures come in the usual clear and kiwi lime coloured box with the figure in a zip-loc bag. Both figures come with two head choices with the same faces but different headgear on each. This is a signature and pioneering move from Alpine who pretty much started this trend that many have followed and adopted as the new norm. It gives us a little more flexibility and a chance to mix and match looks.

The light grey resin has only a few slight seam marks to give a light scrape. Also the first time ever I have seen an air bubble on the chin of one of the heads which was unfortunate but in my long experience with these manufacturers not at all the norm. Yours should be OK and I think I was just unlucky. Now i have look at what is common to both figures let's look at the fine details on each of these figures in turn and I will talk about as we look at them both in detail now.
German Panzer Crew #1
1/35th scale
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Boris Knokhov / Boxart by Sung Hak Yun

This new tanker is part of a set sculpted in 1/35th scale resin by Boris Knokhov. It represents a panzer man that has taken a well needed rest from battle after being wounded. He sports a large wrap bandage on one of his head choices as he smokes his cigarette away from the fighting. You can see on him from this close up shot of his wounded head the fine detail in this sculpt
The figure has two head choices. One wearing the peaked M43 field cap(Einheitsfeldmütze) with a bandage under the crown of his head whilst the other seems pretty beaten up with most of his head covered in bandages. He is giving “the mummy” a run for his money! The fine details of the round cockade and the German eagle symbol is clearly seen as are the  buttons on the front of the cap and the stitching. 

Unfortunately - and the first time i have seen this in a figure from Alpine - there is a small bubble on the chin of the other head with bandages. I would fill this with superglue to fix this problem. I would say that this is not a common issue with these figures and there are no surface bubbles anywhere else on the pair.
The tanker wears the typical all black panzer wrap tunic over his dark grey shirt. Over this on his torso are his black uniform pants and long leather boots. These were issued up until early 1941 so they must have come from other sources or the soldier has had them for a while.The German eagle is prominent on his chest as is are the buttons and seams of his jacket. The wrinkling of both his jacket and the pants around the areas of the torso that bend are impressive to me
From the tin on the left breast of this soldier he seems to have won both the iron cross first class and the Panzer Assault badge whilst the other lower on his torso on that side looks like a wound badge which are on his Panzerjacke tunic on the left hand side. Little flaps on the pants and the nature of how his trousers are tucked into the boots show the sculptor has studied of the human form in motion.

This is pretty much the same outfit as the tanker has on - this reproduction uniform shows the boots tucking into the trousers and the wrinkles that form around the waist legs and sleeves of this outfit that have been captured so well in this sculpt.
Of course he has the obligatory cigarette in his hand which is a separate piece from the torso – those are bad for your health i wonder if someone told him? The sinews and cuffs as well as the wrinkles of the jacket sleeve all fit into the rest of the body's demeanor.
He went together very simply in under ten minutes - ready to undercoat and paint - Here he is put together with the bandaged headgear. 
And the not so sick looking patient in the M43 cap..
...And now for his partner in crime...

German Panzer Crew #2
1/35th scale
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Boris Knokhov / Boxart by Sung Hak Yun

Again this figure is sculpted in 1/35th scale resin by Boris Knokhov, and I am not sure if this soldier is better or worse condition than his comrade...

He has the choice of two heads in this figure – he has the large bandage on the crown of his head  with the black version of the side cap (Feldmütze)  sitting atop the bandages which are popping out the sides of his hat.

The other choice is again the M43 peaked cap – both of the head choices are seen with the German eagle on the front and cockade with a bandage popping out of the feldmütze and simply the peaked cap covering
but also looks like his right arm is in a sling with a stiff plank in the wrap to keep his arm straight – he looks like he will be out of the line for a while as he puffs away at his cigarette.The clenched hand is the one holding the ciggie whilst the other sleeve is empty - the arm being slung underneath the short jacket.
A close up of the arms and how the wounded one us slung under the jacket while the empty sleeve is left open.
The black Panzerjacke flaps loosely around his torso and on top of his wounded arm. The waffenfarbe rosa pink piping on his jacket signifies the panzer korps. What is not standard is the checked coloured sweater he box art painter has given him under his tunic. This and the pants which are in field grey are very not typical but in the field some units had regulations relaxed when it came to clothing standards.
Here he is all together with both of the headgear choices.  Firstly the soft flat forage cap..

And the peaked cap..

And now for the pair together....

German Panzer Crew Set
(2 figures)
1/35th scale
Sculpture by Boris Knokhov / Boxart by Sung Hak Yun
These two war weary souls are sold together – both have the choice of two heads apiece. They are sold as two figures in this set and they do both look like they have either had enough action or the risk of getting a cigarette was worth it!
These two can be placed so they are discussing a point together or both looking at something in the distance. They fit together very well and are different enough subtly to make a great set.
These two figures went together so easily i haven't really mentioned the great fit. There are no real gaps int he joints and everything fit at the angle it should. The whole assembly took about ten minutes each figure before they were ready to paint.

This is another great set of panzer tankers from Alpine and somewhat uncommon in that they are wounded but not looking like zombies with too much wrong with them. The sculpting is great and detailed and the two suit each other as a set very well.

Another great figure set from Alpine and a great start for their new sculptor.

Adam Norenberg

These figures – sold as a set or by themselves are available now from Alpine Miniatures Distributors from this Link

To see what these figures look like under the hands of a capable(very good) painter - then check out these pictures below from Box art artist  Sung Hak Yun

German Panzer Crew #2
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Boris Knokhov / Boxart by Sung Hak Yun

German Panzer Crew #1
The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.
Sculpture by Boris Knokhov / Boxart by Sung Hak Yun

German Panzer Crew Set
(2 figures)