February 05, 2015

Three for III - Peko Publishing Sturmgeschütz III on the battlefield 3 - World War Two Photobook Series

Part three already? Most book publishers would struggle to get past one good volume of mostly unseen photographs and text to match it but PeKo Publishing seems to keep on making quality books – let’s look at Volume three of their new StuG III books

PeKo Publishing's new title - Coming February 2015

Publisher: PeKo Publishing 
By: Mátyás Pánczél
Hardcover: 112 pages
Photos: 104 (b/w)
Language: English/ Hungarian
Product Dimensions: 29.9 x 21.3 x 1.3 cm 
Coming February 2015
Price:  28,95 Euro, 23,99 GBP, 41,95 USD + P&P direct when ordered this from: info@pekobooks.com

The eight volume of PeKo Publishing s photo-monograph series, Sturmgeschutz III on the battlefield 3, has the publisher s usual corporate image displayed. The hardcover, landscape formatted book s brief introduction is followed by more than a hundred mainly unpublished photographs, published in the highest possible quality. Both the introduction and the captions are bilingual (English / Hungarian).
The pictures were in focus, of the rare or unpublished variety and the text was informative but never too much to get in the way of the photos.
This book on the surface has all of the same features as volume I & II in this series about the StuG - the same amount of pages, author and layout with one side of the text in very well translated English and the other side in Hungarian describing the large format pictures that are the stars of these books – I liked the first book and this has got me just as interested so far. But this isn’t a first look review. 
This and the others in this series are available through the Peko Publishing website