Bronco continues to make kits that are unique but still a little mainstream if you get our meaning. You have probably seen them before but not in injection Moulded plastic from Bronco.

Bronco’s kits of July 2015
Panzerkampfwagen II FI Sd.kfz.122 with UE Trailer
1/35th scale
1/35th scale
In 1939 German Army HQ ordered the development of
Flammpanzer (flame-thrower tank). It was armed with two flame-throwers mounted
on track guards on each side. Flame-throwers were mounted in special
turret-like cases (Spitzkopfe) that allowed them to operate at 180 degrees
radius. Each flame-thrower had its own fuel tank with 160 litre capacity which
was enough to fire 80 "shots" at the maximum range of 25 meters.
Flame-thrower's fuel consisted of a mixture of oil and gasoline that was
"shot" with help of pressurized nitrogen stored in six pressurized
tanks. Flame-thrower was ignited with acetylene "lighter".
additional armament MG34 7.92mm for which 1800 rounds were carried inside.
Machine gun was mounted in a small rotating turret (Kugelblende). Its crew
consisted of three men (driver, radio operator and commander/flame-thrower
operator) and its armour protection ranged from 14.5mm to 30mm thickness.
PzKpfw II (F) was powered by 6 cylinder Maybach HL62 TRM engine with total
power of 140hp.
This kit in 35th scale comes complete with the “ammo” trailer for
the “Flamingo” tank.
Morris C8 AT 17pdr Anti-Tank Gun Tractor
1/35th scale
1/35th scale
The Morris Commercial C8/ Anti-Tank (AT) Mark 3
Artillery Tractor was used as the towing vehicle for the 17 Pounder
Anti-Tank Gun. Already in use with the British Army, the Morris was converted
for airborne forces use by removing the canvas roof and supports, along
with the sheet metal sides, doors, tail board and tool boxes.
These modifications reduced the overall weight to 4.5
tonnes, allowing transportation with the 17 Pounder, crew and ammunition, in
the Hamilcar glider. During Operation Market Garden the Morris
was loaded with 15 boxes of ammunition, each containing 2 armour piercing
shells, for the 17 Pounder. The Morris proved unreliable during the operation
and was withdrawn from service shortly afterwards.
This kit in 1/35th
scale does not have a 17 pounder attached to it but Bronco makes a very nice
one that will sit in nicely behind it.
Morris Commercial C8 4x4 Field Artillery Tractor “Quad” Mk.II (Early
1/35th scale
Kit No# 35137
1/35th scale
Kit No# 35137
Another Morris that smartly uses some of the same parts of
the AT 17 pounder transport – this release should be popular as it was used
right through WWII.
This kit in 1/35th
scale does not have a limber or an artillery piece attached to it but Bronco
makes some for you to latch to the tow bar if you like. You can see the similarities to the boxart pic here...
All of these kits
should be available from Bronco’s distributors at the end
of July.