September 03, 2015

TankART IV is available for pre-order at a discount rate – but not for long….

Rinaldi Studio Press has some exciting news – their latest opus and one of the best armour series books has returned – the new German-centric TankART IV is available for a special price - until the 7th of September only. Let’s take a look at this all new volume and what to expect inside the schmick pages…
TA4 pre-order is LIVE!
TANKART 4 - German Armor
By Michael Rinaldi
English Text
224 pages in 8.5" x 9.5" (216mm x 241mm) format
Colour photographs throughoutSoft and hardcover
US ISBN: 978-0-9883363-4-8
Pre-order price is only $30USD (plus shipping)
Available from the RSP website directly 
224 pages including an all new Technique Proficiency chapter, a 4-model Winter Whitewash chapter featuring all three main scales of 1/72, 1/48 and 1/35 armor, 4 main model chapters from the main author, and 1 guest author chapter from Belgium Master Mario Eens -- 9 models in total are presented, 7 of which have never been published before, including Mario's amazing captured Char B1 bis in German service. 
The various paint schemes cover all periods of the war and specifically tackle new camo schemes to go along with the schemes presented inside TANKART 1, including masking and painting hard-edge 3-tone and the dramatic Disc Camo scheme.  
Two of the new models are open top SPG's and each cover a lot of specialized interior painting & weathering techniques and processes. And for the first time the main author, Michael Rinaldi illustrates the full potential of his unique Oil Paint Rendering technique concept with its incredible ability to handle all the weathering elements and painting effects using only oil paints on his striking Grille Ausf. M chapter. 
All of this expansive new material is covered in RSP's exclusive dual-text format explaining both the how and the why of each step of every model and is printed on the same high-quality paper stock and heavy duty matt laminated cover with RSP's exclusive LayFlat Binding that is far more durable than regular perfect binding, and allows for the book to lay open and stay flat on the workbench, making it an effectively tool on the workbench. 
Pre-order price is only $30USD (plus shipping) and extends through Sept 7, 2015 (Retail price is $35USD). Shipping these pre-orders will begin Tuesday, Sept 8, 2015 and with our new shipper we expect to have all pre-orders shipped within the first week. 

You can order the benchmark new TANKART 4 German Armor book from the RSP website directly