October 24, 2015

Master Box expands their Pin Ups – three more lovely ladies on the way in 24th scale

We see Masterbox evolving in to the Pin-up market with their three latest figures of very patriotic and maybe a little glamorous) ladies in “easy on the eye” poses. Let's have a look at what is coming with the next three in today's preview…
Masterbox - Three new products for December 2015

“Pin-up series”. These kits are a part of new a series in 1/24 scale which is new for Master Box. The choice of scale for this Pin-up style series is because there is an enormous number of model kits in 1/24th scale on the market, whilst there is a deficiency of figures in this scale. The series is offered with the aim of making up this deficiency.

Pin-up series Kit No 6 Samantha
Catalogue number: MB24006

Scale: 1:24
The kit consists of one sprue with parts that allow creating one figure of a woman. The pose of the woman allows using the figure with any number of models. The figure can be posed with almost any part of a car, an aeroplane or anything she can sit on. She can be seated on the back of the bench seat of the cabriolet, can be seated on the splash board of a limousine, a front door can be opened and the figure can be seated inside, etc.
The figure is performed on a high artistic level and will be a pleasure to assemble. The figure has personal name – “Samantha.”

Pin-up series Kit No 5 Patty
Catalogue number: MB24005

Scale: 1:24
“Pin-up series, Kit No. 5. Patty”. This kit is part of new a series in 1/24 scale, the kit consists of 1 sprue with parts that allow creating one figure of a woman. The pose of the woman allows using the figure with any number of models or of creating an independent and very expressive vignette. The figure is performed on a high artistic level and will be a pleasure to assemble. The figure has personal name - Patty.

Pin-up series Kit No 4 Suzie
Catalogue number: MB24004

Scale: 1:24
This kit is part of new a series in 1/24 scale, the kit consists of one sprue with parts that allow creating one figure of a woman. The pose of the woman allows using the figure with any number of models or of creating an independent and very expressive vignette. The figure is performed on a high artistic level and will be a pleasure to assemble. The figure has personal name - Suzie.
These kits will be available through all of Masterbox’s distributors in December 2015…