January 18, 2016

Read n’ Reviewed: Special edition - Panzer Aces #50 "Allied Forces Special"

“Panzer Aces” magazine no #50 is a big supporter of the Allies in this new English special edition. The magazine’s 50th is a special occasion so we get a bigger magazine packed with all new builds. Is it any good though? Let’s find out in our review of Panzer Aces 50
Read n’ Reviewed:
Panzer Aces #50
Available in English/Spanish & French
64 pages
A4 softcover portrait format.
Available for € 11 from your nearest hobby shop or Direct from the publishers

Every two months Euromodelismo releases another edition of “Panzer Aces.” We normally like what is inside them and although the book is of Spanish origin the modellers inside it come from all around the world to contribute. The writing and modelling is well done and the contents are usually bundled in a theme for these special releases which are also in English when there is an occasion to do so. We had the chance to look at the last issue we reviewed featured World War One scenes, vehicles and figures as its focus, but today’s review features the Allied forces of WWII in its sights.

Issue 50 of the popular “Panzer Aces” magazine from Accion press is a special edition that is dedicated to the Allied war effort in WWII. There are however some German machine of war in this little lot of the theme is a little muddied but not watered down, it’s the models we wanna see and there are quite a few of them in here.
As normal the size of the book is an A4 in portrait format, and this edition features sixty-four pages with no advertisements in there anywhere accept a “how to order” or the subscribe page on the front and back. I really like this a lot, but the price is is €11 which is probably 1/3 more or double some other mags that you might find in the newsagents. The model for this magazine is a little more cash form more magazine. Many mages have the same amount of pages with 1/3 full of adverts so you are getting less bang for your buck. Whichever model you like the choice then is yours. Half a magazine and half advertisements or a more expensive mag with no ads.
Most of the book is in an “SBS” (Step by Step) method with a little intro and background block text in each story. As long as this compliments and doesn’t interrupt the story like it does here (for the most part) it’s good. To me this issue feels like an episode of a much larger book than a magazine. The hard(ish) premium feel cover adds to the swish feel. A good start! Let’s look at the stories in this edition.

Let’s see them in turn shall we.

Firstly, we look at “Defeat in 35mm” – This diorama in 1/35th scale shows the devastation left over after the “Case Yellow” has passed through town. Hitler’s Blitzkrieg is shown in a lot of detail in a lovely conceived setting and a few models on the one diorama that actually doesn’t look like a model car park. 
This diorama by Javier shows the combination of a Tamiya Renault UE tractor and trailer, a Bronco Hotchkiss H38 and an Opel Olympia Cabriolet and some canny wall and ground work, decorated by several discarded French helmets on the ground in a scene of desertion. Painting, construction and weathering processes are dictated in an SBS system that does not rely on one paint brand and the steps are well described.
Handy reference of the ground work is included also which helps complete the picture – along with a gallery of the whole thing completed from a few wangles…
Next we look at a pretty thickly armoured Sherman IC Hybrid “Firefly” 1/35 scale made by Luis Mercadal. The up-gunned Sherman of various kit bashed origins has been painstakingly up-armoured with extra tracks for their obviously shell-frightened crews that really didn’t want to get “cooked.”
The Italeri kit, plus the Dragon, Verlinden and a various amount of other parts to make this up-gunned Sherman first the vehicles is shown all completed and looking pretty amazing to be honest.
Then we see the painting and weathering process, at least this is not all of the build and the kits in here. As with all of these builds in this magazine we get a roundup of the paint mixtures and material used in a table of the end of the builds which is pretty useful.
A little workshop on complimentary colours is next. We start by using the black and white technique to shade the areas, and then the tri-tonal camo of the Panther is added to the mix. The result is a useful step by step process guide of how to turn out quite a popular kit in a realistic scheme. Who better than the master of this technique José Luis López to take us through it.
Next we have the “Panic in The Oderbruch” from the talented Frank Bazin. He has recreated the desperate German defence along the Oder River in 1945. There are several construction elements to this diorama, in which we see a Dragon kit of a destroyed JS2 with a partially blown-open gun breech showing internal damage along with all of the usual external wear seen on a heavily used late war tank.
This is combined with a destroyed 37mm German cannon on a blown open railway line. The whole groundwork process and the painting of the figures is shown also in this story which spans over several pages. All the details of painting mixes are shown also.
Lastly we have a modelling lesson from the master Rodrigo Hernández. He shows us how to master the Acrylic Paint Melting Technique in a step by step setting of a snowy diorama base.
Using the very handy Vallejo painting system his process is seen in the exact mix of colours. These paints are “melted” and blended while still wet, in a way that reminds us of how we paint oils. It makes for a realistic result that pleases and tricks the eyes.

Well that was Issue no 50 – although there is not just allied vehicles in here, the models are top quality, the modellers are very talented and the writing is very well translated and composed in the helpful SBS method that allows us to see what’s happening and relate to the process easier.  It’s a great magazine usually and this special issue is just as worthy. I wish these were always in English language!

Adam Norenberg

This issue is available now - you can order it directly from the publishers at this link from their website.