Four new kits from Bronco Models are on offer in February this year (2016 already) – they are handy and look to be of interest to some – let’s have a look at them in our preview…
Products for Feb 2016 from Bronco Models
Vickers Tetrarch Mk.I / Mk.ICS Light Tank
1/35th scale
A new light tank from Bronco - rare but a very interesting AFV if we follow a little of the history of this vehicle...
Developed in 1936 by the Vickers-Armstrong company, with a total of 177 vehicles in two basic modifications the Tetrarch Mk I and the Tetrarch Mk ICS manufactured from 1941 through 1942. In 1942 twenty vehicles were delivered to the U.S.S.R. under Lend-Lease, of which 19 fought on the Eastern Front until October 1943.
Developed in 1936 by the Vickers-Armstrong company, with a total of 177 vehicles in two basic modifications the Tetrarch Mk I and the Tetrarch Mk ICS manufactured from 1941 through 1942. In 1942 twenty vehicles were delivered to the U.S.S.R. under Lend-Lease, of which 19 fought on the Eastern Front until October 1943.
Originally designed as a commercial venture by Vickers-Armstrong’s and offered as a Light Cruiser tank. In the event it was adopted by the British Army as a light tank and became, by default, the first British airborne tank. Tetrarch’s most unusual feature is the steering system that works by turning the road wheels and actually bending the tracks so that, on large-radius turns it can be driven more or less like a wheeled vehicle.
Most notably on the 6th of June 1944 (D-Day) a handful of these tanks, carried in General Aircraft Hamilcar gliders were towed across the channel and landed in support of Sixth Airborne Division on the western flank of the invasion forces.
The feature set of the kit.
Hamilcar gliders of 6th Air-landing Brigade arrive on Drop Zone carrying Tetrarch tanks, 6 June 1944.
CAD drawings of the kit
Infrared Night-Vision Devices Infrarot-Scheinwerfer
Late-World War II German infrared night-vision device with an illuminator
spotlight. It seems to be mounted on a Panther’s commander’s cupola. While
limited in range and offering a poor image, it represents some of the first
steps towards improving tank crew’s ability to operate with extended sensory
the end of WWII, the Germans pioneered the use of infra-red devices on their vehicles
and even some of their side-arms. This looks like maybe a continuation of the
adoption of the Great Wall Hobby kits that have been taken under Bronco’s wing
as of late. Still a great kit. This option gives us two MG34’s and two MG42’s
along with several other options in the infra-red set up.
Several types of
configurations are provided with this kit – including the photo etch for the
more delicate parts.
German Rubber Raft
called the "Wehrmacht schlauchboot" or "flosssack", and used
by both the Army and the Kreigsmarine, this set of two rubber rafts in the one
box by bronco is a nice kit to have with your water crossing or water rescue.
Either on the deck of a 35th scale boat or a river crossing this
will be just as useful.
were of a black of dark green colour, thick rubber material. Multi-chamber
system having a plurality of intake valves. Max lifting capacity. "0.43
tons", supply number. "1940-12-121-3091" and no.
"2462". Numerous loops and attachment openings side, some parts
loose. Not tested for functionality. Dimensions 120 x 300 cm. Standard model
(Sack raft for eight people) of the Armed Forces for amphibious operations.
German army used these in dynamic fashion in many river crossings including the
early strikes into Fort Eben-Emael where their pioneers attacked the
fortifications with the aid of these boats. 

Fuel Tank Trailer
type of tracked trailer was used for fuel and many other things besides. Used
with flamethrowers and other tanks of spares it resembles the Renault trailers
that the Germans also used when captured by the French in WWII.
kit comes with some spares that you might find inside these trailers. The “Jerry”
cans, four x 44 gallon drums and tonneau-cover are interesting additions to the
kit which take it to a higher standard than other manufacturers have made in
the past.
We will bring you
more from Bronco on these kits and all of their others as soon as we
have the info. Expect these to hit around February 2016. For more info check
out the Bronco Models Website.