April 15, 2016

A new book & Weathering sets for Trainspotters from AK Interactive…

A new book focussing on model taine and locomotive making that combine with two new weathering sets from AK Interactive have caught our eye recently. This book looks like a thing you could apply the lessons from and the weathering sets look like you could also be applied to any modelling subject. Let’s take a look at the sets and some large images of what’s inside the book in our preview…

A new book & Weathering sets for Trainspotters from AK Interactive

208 pages
42,00 € Product Link
If trains and railway modelling are your passion or you just love quality scale modelling, you can’t miss this book with the usual AK’s quality display plus Marklin’s input. A handbook that will possibly become a cult book for scale railway modellers in the next years. A new approach for an instructional book and the for the way techniques are displayed to beginners and advanced modellers.
The book is structured in three main blocks. The first part contains the different techniques and materials we have at our disposal in order to be able to represent as many different effects as it is necessary.
The second block walks us through a greatly visual and detailed description of the different processes and materials involved in representing these effects on different types of locomotives and wagons. A variety of techniques and work carried out by some of the best European and American modellers.
On the third section we will see how to weather railway buildings and rail station structures and their elements. This goes together with a chapter full of real reference pictures of trains from around the world that will really delight the reader and push many to start with the hobby.
AK Interactive have also released some railway specific weathering packs..

Trains Undercarriage Set Weathering Set
SKU: AK7010.
This set contains:
– AK7011 Light Rust Wash
– AK7012 Shafts and Bearings Grease
– AK7013 Light Dust Deposit
10,50 €
Introducing AK Interactive's new product line, along with the book Trainspotting to make your locomotives and wagons reach a level of realism never seen before. This set is specifically designed to help represent the kind of effects most usually seen on the undercarriage and wheels of trains. Contains enamel products of high quality and ease of use.

Trains Locomotive & Wagon Weathering Set
This set contains:
– AK7001 Streaking Grime
– AK7002 Rust Streaks
– AK7003 Neutral Grey Wash
10,50 €
Introducing AK Interactive's new product line, along with the book Trainspotting to make your models reach a level of realism never seen before. This is a specific set for weathering trains designed to help representing the most typical effects seen on locomotives and wagons. Contains enamel products of high quality and ease of use.
This new book and railway focussed products are available with all of AK Interactive’s other stuff right now thru their website and their distributors worldwide