April 10, 2016

D-Day Miniatures offer a hand to their “Afrika” comrades in their new release

D-Day Miniature Studio recreate a scene of humanity with their latest set of four figures. Sold separately or as two sets, we look at these figures with some of the sculptor’s references thrown in to set the scene. Check it all out in our preview…

New L.R.D.G. & Afrika Korps figure set in 35th scale from D-Day Miniatures…

“Non Vi Sed Arte” – “Not by Strength, by Guile”

D-Day Miniatures Studio have given us four new figures in 35th scale of these LRDG soldiers along with a prisoner of war of the Afrika Korps. Pavel Krasicki has both sculpted and painted these figures you see here, and he has sent us the pictures you see in this preview. They were his main sources of reference when making these figures.
These four new 1/35th scale figures from D-Day Miniature Studio feature a well-known group of warriors from WWII. The Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) was a reconnaissance and raiding unit of the British Army during the Second World War and it was the source of many romantic and heroic tales of action behind the German lines in the western desert of WWII.
The LRDG was founded in Egypt in June 1940 by Major Ralph A. Bagnold, acting under the direction of General Archibald Wavell. At first the majority of the men were from New Zealand, but they were soon joined by Southern Rhodesian and British volunteers. The LRDG never numbered more than 350 men, all of whom were volunteers.
The LRDG was formed specifically to carry out deep penetration, covert reconnaissance patrols and intelligence missions from behind Italian lines, although they sometimes engaged in combat operations. 
Because the LRDG were experts in desert navigation they were sometimes assigned to guide other units, including the Special Air Service and secret agents across the desert. During the Desert Campaign between December 1940 and April 1943, the vehicles of the LRDG operated constantly behind the Axis lines, missing a total of only 15 days during the entire period.
Possibly their most notable offensive action was during Operation Caravan, an attack on the town of Barce and its associated airfield, on the night of 13 September 1942. However, their most vital role was the 'Road Watch', during which they clandestinely monitored traffic on the main road from Tripoli to Benghazi, transmitting the intelligence to British Army Headquarters.
 Let’s have a look at the reference and the figures now…

LRDG Officer North Africa 1940-1943
1/35th scale
Price 13 Euro
This Officer of the LRDG obviously does not know that cigarettes will harm his prisoner! He extends his packet of ciggies to the soldier on the ground while his other hand is in his pocket – maybe rummaging for a lighter?
The largest feature of this officer of the LRDG is his thick, maybe goat or camel fur coat. The soldiers in the desert did suffer extreme heat, but also extreme cold of the dry desert night with high wind chill. These coats – sometimes sourced locally and sometimes from afar as sweeten, helped these soldiers brave the hostile exposed elements.

Afrikakorps POW North Africa 1941-43
1/35th scale
Price 13 Euro
Defeated or captured in a raid, this potential source of intelligence is seen sitting down in subservience with his boots taken away from him so he cannot escape his open desert prison.
Seen in a large tunic that covers a jumper and thick pants on his torso this soldier matches the officer in his warm garment, and apart from the lack of boots he looks well protected. He is decorated with a M40 peaked hat with the eagle and round cockade visible as well as the Iron Cross on the chest of the tunic of this soldier.

LRDG Soldier North Africa 1940-1943
1/35th scale
Price 13 Euro
This corporal of the LRDG sports an almighty beard on his face, he is keeping warm like his commander with a woollen beanie on his head and a thick jacket inside his battledress uniform.

This soldier is also risking his life (he’s a smoker too) and his long thick pants are tied to his legs with some galoshes or leggings. 

LRDG Soldier with Lewis Gun North Africa 1940-43
1/35th scale
Price 13 Euro
This Lewis gunner is seen in a broad brimmed hat that protected against the sun and was also synomonous with the New Zealanders who fought for the LRDG. We are not saying that he is from NZ but it’s possible because of the high number of volunteers from that country in the outfit.
The rest of the soldier’s garb is a mixture of thick and warm clothing combined with shorts – Long socks, a thick jumper and vest are a real juxtaposition. He is seen here leaning on his large Lewis machine gun and again he’s on “smoko.”

LRDG Soldiers, North Africa 1940-43
1/35th scale
Price 25 Euro
These two are sold as a set also – so you have the choice of buying just these two for a slightly cheaper price.

LRDG Officer & Afrikakorps POW, North Africa 1941-43
1/35th scale
Price 25 Euro
Here the four (two sets of two) are together in a touching scene between captor and captured. They say that the desert war was a more chivalrous one, and this scene shows that. 
These figures and sets are now available for purchase. Visit www.ddayminiaturestudio.com for more on all of their figures in both 35th and 72nd scales.