May 04, 2016

Preview: Hobbyboss’ new items - light tanks, choppers & light jets are the go in June

Hobbyboss have four new releases for June are split between aircraft and ground assets of war… a new attack helicopter from China mixes it with a WWI tankette “modernized” to 1928 spec, an A-1A condition AMX as well as some more Israeli armour for you all – four new interesting kits with art and sprue shots to show you in our preview…

Hobbyboss’ new items for June 2016

Model: #83872
1:35TH scale 
NagmaShot and Nagmachon is a heavily armoured infantry fighting vehicle fielded by the Israel Defence Forces. The Nagmachon evolved from the NagmaShot APC, which in turn was based on Centurion Sho't hulls from the 1970s and 1980s. The vehicle carries thick belly armour designed to withstand mine blasts and mountings on the front hull for various engineering devices such as mine plows, mine rollers, and dozer blades.
 Early Nagmachons were equipped with three armoured shields to give soldiers firing the mounted FN general-purpose machine guns some degree of protection from small arms fire. Later Nagmachons were fitted a distinctive raised superstructure, sometimes referred to as a 'doghouse'. The raised superstructure and increased mine protection have made the Nagmachon an ideal platform for counter-insurgency and urban operations, seeing much use in the al-Aqsa Intifada within the occupied territories and southern Lebanon in 2006. It is often used as an engineering vehicle and a carrier for sappers, although its main role has been to carry infantry.
Model Dimensions:  Length: 223.4mm   Width: 100.2mm  
Total Sprues    15 sprues and lower hull
Photo Etched Parts     2 pcs
The kit consists of over 700 parts
Multi-slide moulded lower hull
Photo-etched parts included
Individual tracks

Model #83873
1:35th scale
T-18 light tank, (also called MS-1 Russian: Maliy Soprovozhdeniya-Perviy, means "First Small Support") was the first Soviet-designed tank. Produced from 1928–31, it was based on the Renault FT, with the addition of a vertically sprung suspension. 
The T-18 and its derivatives were essentially unsuccessful designs, but they gave the Soviet industry its first experiences in designing armoured vehicles, and in the meantime a number of foreign tank designs were available for production.
Model Dimensions: Length: 113mm   Width: 67.8mm  
Total Sprues     6 sprues, turret, and lower hull
Photo Etched Parts     1 piece
The kit consists of over 250 parts
multi-slide moulded lower hull
individual tracks
 photo-etched parts included

Model #87260
1:72nd scale 
The WZ-10 attack helicopter is developed after 1990, the prototype took the first flight in 2003.It is designed primarily for anti-tank missions but has the secondary air-to-air capability as well. It’s the first attack helicopter of Chinese Army.
 The WZ-10 has a standard structure of attack helicopter, the narrow fuselage, tandem cockpit with the WSO in front and the pilot at the rear. Diamond-shaped fuselage cross-section can reduce the RCS. All of the important areas are protected by armoured.    
The prototype of the WZ-10 was fitted with two Pratt & Whitney PT-6C-67C turboshaft engines and then replaced by two WZ-9 engines. The helicopter may equipment with the FBW system and Helmet, head up display, optoelectronic devices, and forward-looking infrared systems, radar and laser warning receivers, infrared jammers and decoy launching system.
Model Dimensions: Length:223 mm   Rotor Diameter: 180mm  
Total Plastic Parts       180+
Total Sprues     5 sprues
Photo Etched Parts     1 piece
The kit consists of over 180 parts, includes 4 clear parts 

Model #81742
1:48th scale
The AMX is a ground-attack aircraft for battlefield interdiction, close air support and reconnaissance missions. It was built until 1999 by AMX International, an Italian-Brazilian joint venture, and is designated the A-1 by the Brazilian Air Force. The AMX is capable of operating at high subsonic speed and low altitude, by day or night, and if necessary, from bases with poorly equipped or damaged runways.
Low IR signature and reduced radar equivalent cross-section help prevent detection while low vulnerability of structure and systems aid survivability. Integrated ECM, air-to-air missiles, and nose-mounted guns provide self-defence capabilities
Model Dimensions: Length: 287.2mm   Wingspan: 209mm
Total Plastic Parts       150+
Total Sprues     7 sprues and tires
Photo Etched Parts 1 piece
the kit consists of over 150 parts, including clear parts
 for the canopy.
-Detailed fuselage, rotor & wing w/accurate design
These kits will all be available from Hobbyboss’ distributors in June 2016.