December 23, 2016

A new SS Sturmmann, France 1940 & paint sets to shade them from Andrea Miniatures

In the very interesting Eisernes Kreuz series of WWII German soldiers - Andrea Miniatures bring another dose of an iconic image of an early war soldier from ϟϟ-Standarte „Germania.“ He will be available in both 35th & 16th scales, painted & unpainted. We have the info and parts pictures as well as the inspiration for this figure in our preview...

SS Sturmmann, France 1940.
From: Andrea Miniatures
Available in both 1/16th & 1/35th scales.
After their first release in the new Eisernes Kreuz series of WWII German soldiers - Andrea Miniatures bring another dose of an Iconic early war soldier taken from the images of the Bundesarchiv.
Eisernes Kreuz is a new line of WWII character figures developed out of a full commitment to release accurate scale renditions of real combatants. A thorough study of period footage, photographs and documents, so as the use of original uniforms and equipment are just the beginning of a complex process involving advanced modelling techniques including 3D and casting technology which results speak for themselves...
This image is straight from the German archives - the Bundesarchiv. Shot by Kriegsberichter Friedrich Zschäckel and published in the magazine "Signal." This image that inspired this sculpt is of an SS Sturmann of the "SS-Verfügungstruppe" (the later Waffen-SS) in 1940 in France
Ready to assemble cast resin and metal kit.
The figure depicts an SS Sturmmann in France 1940.
Ultrarealistic figure with accurate details of weapons and uniform equipment.
A small scenic base is included.
Available in both 1/35th & 1/16th scales - the two options are for a bare, unmade kit option as well as a fully painted high-quality figure by some very skilled Andrea painters including full lighting and shadowing processes. Here are the prices for these options:

1/35th scale kit
unpainted 18€
Painted HQ:120€
1/16th scale kit
Unpainted: 60€
Painted HQ:390€
Andrea Miniatures are also selling a new paint set to suit two versions of this soldier - A spring/ summer camo...
...and an autumn colour set to match this figure - both have instructions to help you paint them. They are - of course, separate to the figures themselves.
A helpful guide can go a long way!
These are available right now from the Andrea Miniatures Website