January 13, 2017

Panzer Aces 53 Magazine German vehicles special preview...

German vehicles are the main focus of the new edition of Panzer Aces. Here at TMN H.Q. We love to see these English translated magazines in this series as the model making is just so good. Let’s take a look at issue 53 in our preview…
New from Euro Modellismo

Panzer Aces 53 Magazine
English as well as Spanish languages
Reference No# PA-EN-0053
72 Pages, A-4 format
11 €
On this occasion, Panzer Aces is built on Balkenkreuz. The reader will be transported to four German AFV and one miniature of WWII through a wide range of painting trends, assembly issues and different styles.

We can say that the range of modelling approaches in this hobby is more varied now more than ever. There are still box collectors, maybe more so than in the past, along with Evergreen fanatics, although their numbers are dwindling, and people who build the kits straight from the box, P.E. nuts, resin nuts, accessory nuts, people who just assemble kits, people who just paint kits, etc.

But in spite of this, there are some modellers like myself that work with the newer kits but sometimes fall for the old fashioned build-ups.

Contents of Issue 53:
2.- Panther Ausf. D • 11. SS Pz Abteilung "Hermann von Salza"
14.- Jagdpanzer Pz IV Sd.Kfz 162 Ausf.F
28.-Sturmmpanzer IV Brummbar Sdkfz. 166
48.-Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. J
58.- Unternehmen, Merkur, 1941
68.- Modelling lessons: APPLYING DIRT

Panther Ausf. D • 11. SS Pz Abteilung "Hermann von Salza"
A last generation kit in the hands of Domingo Hernández can be nothing but a success. Here you can see his magnificent Panther D executed with a few improvements and painted with the usual author's mastery.
Jagdpanzer Pz IV Sd.Kfz 162 Ausf.F
It wouldn't be possible to ignore AFV hunter vehicles when dealing with German machines. Michel Pérez improves and adds detail to this veteran Dragon kit using mostly homemade solutions. He paints his vehicle with a colourful camouflage pattern that enhances the sharp lines of this hunter from the end of WWII.
Sturmmpanzer IV Brummbar Sdkfz. 166
It is rare to be able to see such elaborate, well documented, detailed and ingeniously executed projects as Angel Iñigo's. Again we're proud to showcase among our pages this incredible assembly and painting work accompanied with his incredible illustrations and color charts. A special "black cross" section wouldn't have been the same without his work.
Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. J
A rare bird which is not that rare. This small reconnaissance AFV had a very short production run and in spite of that several brands have produced it over the years and its presence is also common in several contests. There's surely a reason for that, no doubt. The beauty of this vehicle is well represented in our newest collaborator Ivan Drond's work. He accomplishes this by developing a painting process based on colour modulation obtaining the best out of this particular piece.
Unternehmen, Merkur, 1941
What if we painted a figure as if it was a military vehicle? Creta was full of dust during Merkur operation. We have worked on this German paratrooper at Crete, how to create mud and dust on a figurine.
- Modelling lessons: APPLYING DIRT
As usual, we will show you the beginning of the road giving you a good road plan destined to guide you in the world of dirt and its application.
Check out the Panzer Aces site for more info on their latest books and magazines and info on where to get this issue…