March 17, 2017

Two 35th scale rocket mounted terrorist trucks from Diopark surprise us...

Diopark has something of a surprise for us - Two civilian trucks disguised as normal working trucks with a little surprise to them. Let's have a look at them and what the real things looked like to get the ideas pumping in your head...

Diopark's two new vehicle releases

In the recent clashes between "the so-called Islamic State"  what seems like the rest of the world and other strife-torn places on the planet, there have been many weapon systems introduced that specialise in hiding in plain sight. Regular working vehicles like utilities and buses have been converted to weapon and bomb-carrying vehicles. 
This strain of non-typical warfare has seen a few interesting (but none the less downright sneaky and lethal) trucks that have had rockets bolted to the body to fire from.
These trucks are meant to hide in plain sight, roll up to their target in range, fire their missiles and then drive away before anyone can track them, infiltrating back into the normal traffic. Obviously, the terrorist organisation's new tactic is working, as we are seeing more of these vehicles in the news and the internet. 
ISIS released a new picture of their 122mm GRAD launcher disguised as a dump truck - this time as a captured “garbage truck” from Gaza. The truck is set up to fire Kasem rockets and then drive off hidden in plain sight. Apparently, the note pasted on the driver’s door says - "In case of traffic violations, please contact The Palestinian Authority.”

 The Israelis say they have evidence of ambulances and emergency vehicles set up the same way.

Field Modified Civilian Truck w/UB-32 Rocket Launcher
From Diopark Models
1/35th scale
Kit No# 35020
 This kit is of something that looks like a regular light truck with a tray on the back, re-enforced box steel holds the mount for a UB-32 rocket launcher. these are normally air-launched from helicopters or aircraft, and we think they would kick up some dust and smoke on launch!

The kit promises all of the regular things a truck model may have, turning front wheels, opening and closing tray, a detailed interior, doors that open or close and a left or right driving position, but this one comes with a bloody great air to ground - no let's make that ground-to-ground rocket pod twin pairing on it's back...

Field Modified Civilian Truck w/122mm rocket Launcher

From Diopark Models

1/35th scale

Kit No# 35016
 This regular light truck comes with a tilt tray, just like a garbage truck and the one you saw in this article. The rockets are stuffed into the tubes int he bottom of the tipper and launched (not pinpoint accuracy but area accuracy) in the target area.

The kit packs extra 122mm rockets and ammo in wooden looking boxes, along with that there is the usual turning front wheels, opening and closing tray, a detailed interior, doors that open or close and a left or right driving position.

These two new kits from Diopark will be available in the next few months, keep an eye out at your local hobby shop or Diopark's distributors like Hobbylink Japan for exact release dates.