April 19, 2017

Masterbox is the scene of high drama and beautiful figures in 35th & 24th scales June

Masterbox has given us the choice of four new kits in June - a dramatic scene of a conflict in the old wild west in 35th scale - or the choice between three beautiful figures for modellers in 24th scale. Why settle for just one when you can see them all in our preview?

MasterBox's new kits of June 2017

“Dangerous Curves Series, Sloan - Vegas Baby”
kit No#  24020 
1/24 scale
This kit is the part of the series of the new 1/24th scale of figures from Master Box Models. Sculpted in the style that harks back to the very popular Pin-up style. The choice of 1/24th scale for this series of the kits is a boon to the car and automotive modellers, there is a real lack of human figures that are not of a generic nature in this scale  - so each of the women in this series looks to liven up this scale for modellers.

The kit is in 24th scale also gives the modeller a little more to work with than the smaller scales. The delicate nature of the thinner and finer parts can be nicely and realistically replicated in this size.  The kit consists of one sprue with the parts that allow for the creation of one woman. The pose of the girl allows using of the figure with any model of the passenger car.
The figure is sculpted to a highly artistic level, but it is very simple in the assembly steps of the simple human figure. Each of these figures has a name attached to it that gives special charm and attractiveness to each kit.

 “Dangerous Curves, Claire - Catch Me If You Can” 
1/24 scale
This kit is the part of the series of the new 1/24th scale of figures from Master Box Models. Sculpted in the style that harks back to the very popular Pin-up style. The choice of 1/24th scale for this series of the kits is a boon to car and automotive modellers, there is a real lack of human figures that are not of a generic nature in this scale  - so each of the women in this series looks to liven up this scale for modellers.

The kit being in 24th scale also gives the modeller a little more to work with than the smaller scales. The delicate nature of the thinner and finer parts can be nicely and realistically replicated in this size.  The kit consists of one sprue with the parts that allow for the creation of one woman. The pose of the girl allows using of the figure with any model of the passenger car.
The figure is sculpted to a highly artistic level, but it is very simple in the assembly steps of the simple human figure. Each of these figures has a name attached to it that gives special charm and attractiveness to each kit.

 “Dangerous Curves, Jackie - Hold On Tight”
kit No# 24022
1/24 scale.
This kit is the part of the series of the new 1/24th scale of figures from Master Box Models. Sculpted in the style that harks back to the very popular Pin-up style. The choice of 1/24th scale for this series of the kits is a boon to car and automotive modellers, there is a real lack of human figures that are not of a generic nature in this scale  - so each of the women in this series looks to liven up this scale for modellers.

The kit being in 24th scale also gives the modeller a little more to work with than the smaller scales. The delicate nature of the thinner and finer parts can be nicely and realistically replicated in this size.  The kit consists of one sprue with the parts that allow for the creation of one woman. The pose of the girl allows using of the figure with any model of the passenger car.
The figure is sculpted to a highly artistic level, but it is very simple in the assembly steps of the simple human figure. Each of these figures has a name attached to it that gives special charm and attractiveness to each kit.

“Indian Wars Series, Final Stand” 
kit No# 35191
1/35th scale
kit includes two figures and one horse
This kit is a continuation of the series of the figures in 1/35th scale dedicated to the period of the 19h century so-called “Indian Wars” in the old, wild west in America. The kit includes parts for the parts for the assembly of three figures: two figures of people – A Cavalryman of the U.S. Army and volunteer frontiersman, and also a figure of the dead horse that is being used by the Cavalryman as cover from a hail of arrows. The story of the kit is very dynamic and even dramatic to some extent, the kit is filled with the bright emotion, the figures are united by the single story, they are animated very well and interact with each other greatly.
The figures can be used one by one, independently of each other too and at the same time, each figure has so bright expression that it allows seeing the whole story even in the single figure.

Masterbox would like to emphasise that the kit allows the creation of both an independent diorama, or alternatively a larger scale diorama with the use of the figures from 35192 kit or with the use of the figures from 35188 kit.
All of these four kits and everything else from Masterbox's releases will be with us in June of 2017. Check out the Masterbox Website for more info on their models.