June 09, 2017

Kittyhawk's 1/48th scale UH-1D "Huey" – just about to dust off...

With help from Floyd Werner, Kittyhawk's follow up to the 48th scale modern version UH-1Y "Venom" chopper we are now seeing the daddy of helicopters, the ubiquitous UH-1D "Huey" helicopter. Kittyhawk has sent out CAD shots, but now we can see the built up test shot in the flesh and painted up - ready to lift off...

The first test shot build: 

UH-1D "Huey"
From Kittyhawk Models
1/48th scale
Prod No# KH80154
newly tooled kit
injection-plastic aircraft model kit.
Price:¥5,280/ $48.45 USD/ €43.35 from HLJ
Product Link at Kittyhawk models page
From Kitty Hawk models comes this newly tooled kit of the venerable helicopters in 1/48th scale – the UH-1D "Huey" is a newly tooled chopper from this manufacturer that has been watched with some interest from a LOT of modellers.
The main workhorse helicopter of the U.S. military during the of the 1960’s and 70’s, the UH-1 “Huey” saw extensive service during the Vietnam War with around 7,000 helicopters being deployed there during the war. The UH-1 was the first variant of the Huey family of helicopters and remains in service around the world in various uses, updates and sub-types to this day.
The new kit from Kittyhawk is seen now in a test build, meaning that the full kit is not far away. The details of the kit look very nice. The engine for one can be displayed fully open in a maintenance scene if you like.
 The M60 mounts are optional on the two removable cargo /personnel doors. We can imagine a lot of figure makers making gunners and crewmen for this kit.
Pilot & co-pilot doors, the front access panel and everything that can be displayed on this kit is. We are hoping for a lot of detail inside these panels, and the addition of Photo-etched parts adds to the scale realism.
We just got some pictures of the built up test shot painted and weathered - check these out - they sure look pretty good!
And last of all a size comparison with the other 48th scale Seasprite, which surprisingly is a fair bit larger...
This kit is seen on the soon to be released kit of many model shops. HLJ has it on pre-order already for Price:¥5,280/ $48.45 USD/ €43.35 so it's not that bad of a price for the detail we see here. We will be building our own one right here on TMN