October 13, 2017

Four new releases of Winter tankers of the SS in 35th scale from Alpine Miniatures this October

Alpine Miniatures has three new resin figures released this month in five different configurations. Two single 35th scale figures that are also sold as a set, as well as a larger scale 16th figure of a GI on a Pacific trip that ain't no holiday! Let's have a look at the two 35th scale figures to see a little more of what Alpine has coming this month...

Alpine Miniatures three new releases in 35th scale for October, 2017.
WSS Panzer Commander Winter
1/35th scale
This figure comes with two different head choices.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms
Boxart by Toshihiro Sano
The SS tank commander is sculpted by Taesung Harmms, and this example is painted up by Toshihiro Sano. He is seen rugged up against the rigours of the cold, well provided for in more of a mid – to late war uniform and accessories with the choice of two heads for this figure.

One of the head choices wears an officer's "Crusher" cap with pink wool piping around the edge called the “Waffenfarbe Rosa” that identified him as a Panzer crewman. The Schirmmuetze peaked officer's cap, is joined with an unusual head choice but one often employed by the Germans, especially in the cold winters of the Russian front. The fur lined hat is a little like the "Ushanka" used by the Soviet soldiers with a fur-lined inside and flaps that tie up or fold down around the tanker to protect his face and neck. The soldiers often liberated these from Russian stock, had them made, and some were provided in limited quantities after 1942.
SS Panzer commander & calendar boy Max Wunche in a similar hat
This figure is a full-bodied figure, not a half figure, even though half of him is hidden in the tank's turret we still are afforded the same amount of detail. The torso of the soldier is covered with a large reversible parka that has the outside in whatever scheme you like with a winter white inside layer – pretty god, as you can choose whatever colour you like to paint the figure.
Although most of the detail of the torso is covered by his parka, the large Walther pistol holster sits on his rear hip in a separate part, It sits on the belt which cuts his torso neatly in half and gives him definition. The map he holds in his right hand gives him something to do except point in his hands.

WSS Panzer Gunner Winter
1/35th scale
This figure comes with two different head choices.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms
Boxart by Toshihiro Sano
This second figure of the set is also sculpted by the dynamic duo of Taesung Harmms and painted in this case by Toshihiro Sano. In 1/35th scale, the resin parts make up a full figure again, and again – this man is wrapped up against the cold in good, thick clothing.

Again we get the choice of two different headgears for this figure. The first is a latter war M-43 Field Cap (Einheitsfeldmutze) which was worn by all ranks in the SS while the other is the flat M-1940 flat overseas cap (Feldmutze). Both of these hats are sporting the national symbol – the German eagle in a silver braid on the front of their hats.Both of these head choices have the throat mic and “cans” or earphones for communication to the other vehicles in their platoon.
This figure is also a full-bodied figure. The man is seen in a different type of pose for Alpine – that of a man half out of the side of the turret of his tank. Probably useful in a Panzer III or IV especially. A pistol on his rear hip I notice here in this sculpt along with thick woollen gloves also.
The reversible parka on this soldier is seen turned to the winter white side by the box artist's work. Again his belt pinches him at the waist and creates interesting folds in the jacket's form, the padded pants to match the jacket are not the lower half of the body while he has some very thick – winter weight boots.

WSS Panzer Crew Winter Set
1/35th scale
The pictures show the figures both with two different head choices.
Sculpture by Taesung Harmms / Boxart by Toshihiro Sano
These two soldiers are placed together in this setting on the top turret of a Panzer IV – although a Panzer II has the same side hatch – this tank, wth turret schurtzen is just perfect for this figure..
This release are now available directly from the Alpine Miniatures Website - their Online Store offers free Shipping if you are in the USA, and also from their distributors worldwide