May 15, 2018

Abrams Squad #25 & the second of the new series “References” from Pla Editions...

The guys from Pla Editions has sent the news of a brand new Abrams Squad and the second number of their new series “References” showing off the latest in Russian armour. We have some of the info and pictures in our preview...
Abrams Squad turns 25 with a Special Edition Publication

Abrams Squad #25
72 Pages
Available in both English & Spanish versions
Abrams Squad: The Modern Modelling Magazine is the FIRST and UNIQUE magazine in the world devoted to Modern Warfare modelling. Here you will find the best articles of the best modellers and writers in the world. Step by step articles, painting techniques, building techniques, illustrated reports, news, reviews and much more.
4.- Commander's Display Unit (news and reviews)
8.- RTS: M3A3 CFV (Kinetic)
20.- MAZ-543 CRANE - By Zhendong Li
34.- M1A1 AIM TUSK - By Michal Dostál
44.- EBR-11 - By Manuel Reinher
54.- Dark Abyss Diorama (T-55) - By Bernard Bassous
66.- EUTM Mali (2ª Parte) - Photo report by Patrick Winnepenninckx
72.- Turret Basket

Abrams Squad References #02
Forum Army 2017 by Vitaly Kuzmin
72 pages
more than 250 full colour pictures.
Retail. 15€
A useful guide for modellers and military enthusiasts of all vehicles used by Russian Army currently, full of amazing and inspirational pictures .
Including all kind of AFV (Tanks, IFV, MRAPS, Air Defense, etc.) as T-90, Bumerang, Armata, Terminator, T-80, Typhoon, Shilka, BMO-T, BMD-4M, MSTA, SPRUT and many more.
This special edition celebrating 25 issues is now available from the Abrams Squad Website