June 14, 2018

A lil' Peeping Tom, a churning lass, a dog, a rat, some birds and pussy in Mantis Miniatures new figures for June

We just received new from Arthur at Mantis Miniatures showing us his latest releases of figures, flora & fauna in 35th scale. The countryside gets a good showing off with one particular watcher in this lot. See them all in our preview...

Mantis Miniatures new releases in 1/35th scale:

 Country Girl #1
1/35th Scale 
Product No #35112
Sculpted by N.Pizzicheni / Painted by A.Miniszewski
"Baby shes churnin' out of control" This young lady is working up a glistening sweat as she works very hard churning the butter in the put with the thick pounding stick she has in her hands.

Sculpted by Nino Pizzicheni and in this instance (as are all of these lovely figures) painted by Artur Miniszewski, she really looks lovely and if I had a dog I was playing ball with I would probably stop to have a look also...

Country Boy #1
1/35th Scale 
Product No #35113 
Sculpted by N.Pizzicheni / Painted by A.Miniszewski
 This sweet, sweet little boy is a picture of quaint country innocent youth, well he is when he is playing ball with the dog that comes supplied with this figure - the picture turns a little more sinister when you see he's a bit of a dirty little bugger in the making when he's doing the George Mcfly "He's a peeping tom" through the fence at the young lady!

THIS is how you do it son...
Get HR in here right now...

1/35th Scale 
Product No #35114
Sculpted by N.Pizzicheni / Painted by A.Miniszewski
 This is the set of both the country boy and girl together, well the boy and his dog looking at the lady anyway they are probably not together, I mean the age difference for one, but it's good to dream isn't it? 

Country Boy & accessories
Product No #35115
Sculpted by N.Pizzicheni & Tanksformers
This is a combination of the boy and his dog we looked at earlier and the rustic setting that is sold separately if you like, but here all in one set for a few euro cheaper.

Animals Set 32
1/35th Scale 
Product No #35116
Sculpted by P.Szymczyk / Painted by A.Miniszewski
These birds, a pussy and a dirty, dirty rat are all looking for something to eat - The cat inside the trash can (or bin as the rest of us call it) and the rat has found himself dinner in a can while the other rats - the winged versions look like they normally do - always on the lookout for more food (or maybe a root?) One of them looks like he could well be the rat or the cat's next meal he's pretty dead looking.

Country accessories
1/35th Scale 
Product No #MAC15
Sculpted by Tanksformers / Painted by A.Miniszewski
 This rustic countryside fence goes along with our figures we looked at earlier, but here it is sold separately so you can make it up in your own setting. Included in the resin set is a rustic fence with an earthen jar sitting on it upside down, a wheelbarrow with a sack of potatoes inside it, a pitchfork to clean out the pig's trough that also comes with the kit

 Dry trunks
1/35th Scale
 Product No #MAC16
Sculpted and painted by Mantis Studio
No not your swim shorts after they have been on the clothesline all day - "Dry Trunks" are dead, hollowed out tree trunks that animals can hide and make nests in and moss can grow on to, this is a set of three dead hollowed out husks with the bark texture on the outside for use in your countryside diorama.

These are now available from the Mantis Miniature's distributors which you can find on their website mantisminiatures.pl