August 11, 2018

Figure Preview: "Der Kampf um Stalingrad" (3 figure set) from Alex Zelenkov at Stalingrad Miniatures...

Stalingrad Miniatures bring us new figures from the battle of their namesake - the three-figure set in 35th scale Der Kampf um Stalingrad is the subject of today's preview...

New figures from Stalingrad for June 2018

"Der Kampf um Stalingrad"
Set no# 3125
3 figures in grey resin 
Sculpted by Alexander Zelenkov
Available from the Stalingrad site
Stalingrad has sent information and pictures of a new set of three German soldiers in the battle of Stalingrad in WWII in desperate times.
For his figures, we know and we show you the inspiration in figures or in material that Alexander Zelenkov uses to create his works, this one was a little different in that regard. 
For this set, there were no exact single or set of references used to create these soldiers. What was used was a collection of artwork, posters, some wartime photos and propaganda of "heroic" infantrymen in striking poses
May be these German wartime pictures gave some inspiration to the scene - some German soldiers and officers also liked to make same pencil drawings or paintings in the style of the heroic propaganda-style poses shown in magazines or posters of the time. 
Alex also used soviet poses to create this scene...
Here are these three figures - each made from light grey resin, and sold as a set of three in 1/35th scale.
 The scene sees three soldiers of the Wehrmacht in summer Stalingrad gear. Two looking very worse for wear or wounded while their bother in arms sties to hold or support one of his comrades. 
The other looks at his hand while leaning on the ground - may be at blood from a wound or a cut on his hand, it is up to you. Not only are these soldiers well sculpted as you can see by these photos, but they have the full German equipment set of bread bag, gas mask, entrenching tool, canteen, map packs, ammunition and a relatively good condition early to mid-war uniforms tell us these Shutze are from the summer offensive into Stalingrad - Obviously realizing here the horrible consequences of the battle...
Both of these releases are now available - For more info and images or to find where to buy these figure take a look at the Stalingrad Webpage