September 25, 2018

Something slightly different to light up your life from Takom, M3 Grant CDL preview...

Having already released the US version of the M3 chassis Lee tank with the powerful Canal Defence Light (CDL) perched on top, Takom now releases the cousin design, the M3 Grant in 35th scale. We have the boxart and some history of the tank n our preview...

New kit preview: 
From: Takom 
1/35th scale
Photo-Etch and clear parts included
Kit release expected in November 2018
The Canal Defence Light (CDL) was a British "secret weapon" of the Second World War.

It was based upon the use of a powerful carbon-arc searchlight mounted on a tank. It was intended to be used during night-time attacks, when the light would allow enemy positions to be targeted. A secondary use of the light would be to dazzle and disorient enemy troops, making it harder for them to return fire accurately. The name Canal Defence Light was used to conceal the device's true purpose. For the same reason, in US service they were designated T10 Shop Tractor
This system was trialled on several chassis, but it was not until the mounting on the M3 US Lee chassis that this design became a little more effective. Of course, the M3  was used by the British and Commonwealth forces also as the "Grant", and it is this tank that is being released by Takom after their original release the US M3 Lee earlier this year.
Here you have a CDL turret fitted to an M3 Grant tank; the CDL turret is fitted with a dummy gun
The Grant could retain the 75mm main armament in the turret as well as the Arclight. The tanks were used by the 79th armoured division "Hobart's Funnies" which had many other specialised tank adaptations for specific tasks during WWII.

Not much more on this kit for now, but expect more about it as we approach the release date of November. check out Takom's Facebook Page for more information on their kits.