November 20, 2018

Preview: Life Miniatures "standing alone" with their latest sculpt...

Life Miniatures adds to their new futuristic series of figures with this, the latest in their line of  1/12th scale busts titled "Stand Alone" - let's see her parts and the painted figure in our preview to see how she does indeed "stand up" to the competition...


1/12th Scale
Item Code: LM-FUB002
 half figure including 17 parts
Sculpted and Painted by Sang-Eon Lee
Price $69 USD
From their "Dystopian Sci-Fi and Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland," Fictional Universe Life miniatures has released this latest but in 1/12th scale. This one is of a young lady survivor of the time titled "Stand Alone." Here is a close up of the painted sculpt's fine face...
The figure continues in the line of 12th scale ladies of the future - we have already seen another bust in this series "Mirai" who was a half cyborg, but this woman looks all human to us...
This figure comes cast in light grey resin, sculpted by Life Miniatures lead Sang Eon Lee, her seventeen parts are seen here.
It is nice to see the figure in peices, but even better to see the bust painted up! Again by the lead sculptor Sang Eon Lee who happens to be one of the best figure painters in the world -  Here she is in a walk around.
This new bust and all of Life Miniatures sculpts are all available at this link