November 05, 2018

Preview: Ryefield Model's new 35th scale Sd.Kfz.173 Panther G.2 w/ Full Interior (& a limited Ed. resin figure)

Today we look at the latest kit from Ryefield Model - the adaptation of their Panther kit into this, the 35th scale Sd.Kfz.173 Panther G.2. We see the CAD drawing from the new kit and the included sprues in our preview...

A new Jagdpanther with interior & new tracks to suit from RyeField Model
- RM-5022 1/35 Jagdpanther G2 with full interior & workable track links
- RM-5024 1/35 Workable Track Links for Jagdpanther

Sd.Kfz.173 Panther G.2
Ryefield Model 
Full Interior Kit
1/35th scale 
Release date: December 2018/ January 2019

We were a little challenged last week when Ryefield Model released a picture of their new kit (later we found the number #RM-5024) that looked to be a full length of tracks sold by itself to fit a Jagdpanther...

Being big fans of the vehicle we were left holding our proverbials to wait and see, today we have the news that Ryefield model is, in fact, releasing the new 35th scale Sd.Kfz.173 Panther G.2! We have some info on what is coming in CAD form from the manufacturer to show you.

The kit has another six sprues from what you may have seen on your original full interior Panther kit from the same manufacturer, you can see them in the picture below...

You can see here the top section half of the tank with the full interior - We still do knot know if this is easily removable after completion, but we think it could be done...

The big 88mm is replicated pretty well in this CAD illustration, it would be nice to see inside the model though, wouldn't it?

The full load-out of the tank inside and out - the CAD surely looks impressive, and maybe a cut-away will show this vehicle off to its full extent.

Fully workable tracks are said to be easy to assemble.
What we also know is that this full kit will be available in December,with the first batch of pre-orders ( 2800 units) to come with a resin tank figure included in the kit

This is all we have on the new Jagdpanther so far until it hits the shelves of your local hobby shop in the next month or so! check out the Ryefield Model website for more information...